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  1. Feb 15, 2018 · A few users are deleting rows that are causing #REF errors with the calculations and I am looking for a solution around it. Indirect or Offset are options I am considering to solve the issue. Here is my data in Column A:

  2. Mar 9, 2022 · The easiest way to prevent #REF! errors is to check for dependent cells. You can easily see all the cells that link to the cell you want to delete by using the Trace Dependents option in the Formula Auditing section of the Formula Tab.

  3. Feb 8, 2024 · Go to Home tab >> locate “ Find & Select ” option. Then, expand the dropdown menu of that option >> Choose the “ Replace”. Alternatively, you can use CTRL + F keys together to open the Find and Replace dialog-box. Under the Find and Replace box, type #REF in the Find what box and leave the Replace with box empty.

  4. Aug 18, 2018 · Once I open workbook B and enable editing, all of the formulas in workbook A show workbook B's worksheet name as #REF (but the filepath and cell references remain). This is incredibly frustrating since I must manually change all of these #REF's back to the worksheet names every single time I want to update workbook B.

  5. Apr 19, 2013 · You can use ISERROR in the formula bar and check if true or false. this works to identify only isref errors =IFERROR (IF (ERROR.TYPE (A1)=4,"Ref Error",A1),"All GOOD") Well, ISERROR () will catch all the errors. I would like to catch on #REF!

  6. Aug 29, 2023 · Step 2: Check External Links. Navigate to your Data Tab >> Queries & Connections >> Edit Links and see if any of your links contain errors in them. If you find any, simply remove (or break) those particular links. This may or may not solve the issue, but at the very least you are getting rid of some garbage that could be causing corruption to ...

  7. Press Ctrl+H on your keyboard and open the Find and Replace dialog box. Type #REF! and click on the Find All option. This will highlight all instances of reference errors. Click on Find Next to cycle through the list of REF errors in the sheet and fix them one by one.

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