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  1. Jan 13, 2022 · African Spinach/Spinach. Spinach is a leafy vegetable that is found in Nigeria and used for cooking Nigerian dishes. It could be eaten fresh or stored for future use. Spinach supplies an ample amount of Vitamin A, C, and K, as well as minerals as manganese, magnesium, iron, and folates. It is an annual plant, recognized scientifically as ...

  2. Jun 20, 2016 · Abstract and Figures. Vegetables are plants grown for their leaves, succulent stems, young shoots, fruits or a combination of these plant parts. They are protective foods, for the maintenance of ...

  3. Jul 13, 2017 · Let the oil heat up a little bit. (If it starts smoking it's too hot.) Then add chopped items — saute until they start to sweat and caramelize. Stir gently with a large wooden spoon while adding ...

  4. Leafy vegetables can be eaten in a salad. Leafy vegetables can be steamed. Some of the edible aspects of a vegetable can be leafy, and some examples of a few vegetables are bitter leaf, waterleaf, ugu (pumpkin leaves), fluted pumpkin, scent leaves, mint leaves, lemongrass, and so many more.

  5. Mar 16, 2021 · There is a need for agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa to diversify into more nutrient-rich crops to meet the subcontinent’s nutritional needs in terms of micronutrients and reduce health risks related to high and rising rates of overweight/obesity. Many traditional African vegetables (TAVs) are nutrient-dense and have much potential to reduce malnutrition. These vegetables can also provide ...

  6. Jun 17, 2023 · Write on each of the following 15 Most Profitable Crops to Grow In Nigeria. #1. Cocoa. As a Nigerian farmer, you have the opportunity to enter the thriving cocoa industry. With Nigeria being one of the top cocoa-producing countries, cultivating this cash crop can bring significant profits. Implement proper cultivation techniques, provide ...

  7. Feb 17, 2023 · More common African greens come from the leaves of root vegetables such as cassava, sweet potato, and cocoyam. In fact, cocoyam or taro leaves are widely used in West Africa. In Ghana, they are used to make palaver sauce. In Francophone Africa, cocoyam leaf stew is referred to as sauce feuilles . Other popular leaves include pumpkin leaves ...

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