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  1. The word 'Islam' in Arabic means submission to the will of God. Followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims believe there is one true God Allah (the Arabic word for God). Muslims believe that ...

  2. Islam is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion founded by Muhammad and centered on the Quran and the teachings of Muhammad, the religion's founder. [1] A person who believes in Islam is called a Muslim. A disbeliever is called a Kafir in Islam. Islam means submission to the will of God .

  3. Sep 30, 2020 · Islam began as a small community of believers in seventh-century Arabia. It was founded by Muhammad who is believed to be the last of God’s prophets. Islam was not seen as a new religion by its followers but as a perfection and completion of God’s message. Muhammad was born in Mecca, Arabia, in 570.

  4. Emigration became the only hope for Muhammad and his followers' survival. In 622, they headed to Medina, another oasis town, where they were promised freedom to practice their religion. The move from Mecca to Medina is known as the hijra—the flight—and marks year 1 of the Islamic, or hijri, calendar. Spreading the Message of Islam

  5. The Five Pillars are the core beliefs and practices of Islam: Profession of Faith (shahada). The belief that "There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God" is central to Islam. This phrase, written in Arabic, is often prominently featured in architecture and a range of objects, including the Qur'an, Islam's holy book of divine ...

  6. Nov 21, 2022 · Islam The Blue Mosque of Istanbul or Sultan Ahmet Mosque, Turkey. Most active towards the end of the 6th century, the Prophet Muhammed is celebrated by Muslims today for founding the religion of Islam. Roughly 1.8 billion followers populate the world, the majority of which are spread between northern Africa, west Asia, and Indonesia.

  7. Dec 17, 2007 · Occult Activities of the Jinn. Through their powers of flying and invisibility, the Jinn are the chief component in occult activities. Voodoo, Black magic, Poltergeists, Witchcraft and Mediums can all be explained through the world of the Jinn. Likewise, so can the illusions and feats of magicians.

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