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  1. 蘇黎世 (德語: Zürich , 德语发音: [ˈt͡syːrɪç] ; 瑞士德語 :Züri;法語: Zurich ; 義大利語 : Zurigo ; 羅曼什語 : Turitg ),又譯 蘇黎士 ,是 蘇黎世州 的 首府 , 瑞士聯邦 的最大城市。. 屬於 瑞士德語區 。. 2012年城市人口約38万,市区人口近110万 ...

  2. A global insurer whose strategy focuses on providing the right general insurance and life insurance solutions for its individual, small business, medium-sized business and corporate customers.

  3. 作为湖边的“体验中心”,白雪皑皑的阿尔卑斯山壮丽的景色近在眼前,这就是苏黎世,它是瑞士的商业中心,一系列独特的旅游景点遍布全市——50余个博物馆、超过100个美术馆、国际时尚品牌店、苏黎世特色品牌商店,还有瑞士最缤纷灿烂、活力四射的夜生活。

  4. Zürich Tourismus. Im Hauptbahnhof. 8001 Zürich. Phone +41 (0)44 215 40 00. Show Route. Advertisement. Zurich's Old Town consists of historic buildings, guild houses and picturesque alleyways and squares. A highlight of a visit to Zurich.

  5. Zürich Card and other public transportation tickets; Hotel reservations; Concert and event tickets (Seetickets and Ticketino, but no Ticketcorner presale) Tickets for Flixbus coaches and other tour operators; Private and/or group tours; The Tourist Information is located on the ground floor of Zurich Main Station and is barrier-free.

  6. チューリヒ動物園 Zoo Zürich 約260種類の動物が自然な環境で飼育されている動物園。 園内にはマダガスカルの希少な植物や昆虫、動物の生態系を忠実に再現した「マソアラ熱帯雨林」が新たに完成。

  7. 6. From Zürich: Stein am Rhein and Rhine Falls. Travel out of Zürich for a scenic tour through dramatic natural landscapes and historic landmarks. Come across quaint villages and vast vineyards, and take the lift to the Rhine Falls. Depart Zürich and journey towards the Swiss/German border of northern Switzerland.

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