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  1. Mar 18, 2004 · The second of the controversial Dogma 95 films. Set in present-day Denmark, it begins with a chance encounter between the timid Karen and a group of drop-outs engaged in a strange, informal experiment where they pretend to be mentally disabled. Initially shocked, Karen finds herself compelled to stay and eventually joins them in the experiment.

    • DVD
  2. "Dogmefilmen 'Idioterne' er den mest uudgrundelige film i denne kanon" noterer udvalget i sin begrundelse. Man kunne tilføje, at det er den film, for hvilken kanonisering og statslig blåstempling virker mest paradoksal. Filmens adelsmærke er nemlig utilpassethed og anti-borgerlig ideologi for fuld skrue.

  3. Dir. Lars von Trier. 1998, 114 min. With Bodil Jørgensen and Jens Albinus. Among the first feature films to be entirely shot on digital cameras, Lars von Trier’s The Idiots (Idioterne) was the second film to become an official Dogme 95 film. With von Trier’s trademark mix of sensation and sensitivity, The Idiots (Idioterne) follows a ...

  4. The Idiots (Idioterne) Details: 1998, Rest of the world, Cert 18, 117 mins. Direction: Lars von Trier. Genre: Comedy / Drama. Summary: Lars von Trier's first film to be made under Dogma 95's 'Vows ...

  5. Idioterne (1998) Lars von Triers dogmefilm 'Idioterne' er et dansk drama. En gruppe unge mennesker har fundet sammen om et projekt: at finde deres indre idiot. De optræder som 'spassere', når de færdes ude i samfundet, og nyder ellers bare livet sammen i Stoffers onkels store villa i Søllerød - en villa, der ellers stod tom, fordi Stoffer ...

  6. 117 min. DK/Feature. The modern welfare state is so rationally well-organised that special effort is required if you want to throw off the traces and let your instincts run riot. In Lars von Trier's tragi-comedy a group of young men and women turn their backs on established society and form a commune in order to cultivate their "inner idiots".

  7. Lars Von Trier. 1998. In Competition. Feature Films. Living in a large house as their base, “The Idiots”, a group of young people, share one interest: idiocy. They spend all their spare time together exploring the hidden and less appreciated values of idiocy. The project is to confront society with their idiocy.

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