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  1. WOUND翻译:受伤, (身体上的)伤,伤口, 麻烦, 问题;痛苦;创伤, 受伤, (身体上的)伤,伤口, 麻烦, 使受创伤;伤害, (wind的过去式及过去分词)。

  2. Feb 1, 2020 · All wounds have the potential to become chronic wounds. They are classified by etiology into four categories, each with its own typical location, depth, and appearance: arterial, diabetic ...

  3. Wounds that are not caused by bites and are clean and relatively small usually heal rapidly without any problems. However, some wounds can cause extensive blood loss. In some wounds, deeper structures, such as nerves, tendons, or blood vessels, are also injured. Other wounds can become infected. A piece of foreign material (such as a splinter ...

  4. Wounds. Cuts or tears in tissue (lacerations), scrapes (abrasions), and puncture wounds can be caused by bites or by other mechanisms. Wounds that are not caused by bites and are clean and relatively small usually heal rapidly without any problems. However, some wounds can cause extensive blood loss.

  5. Some wounds, such as minor cuts and scrapes, can be treated at home. Stop the bleeding with direct pressure, and clean the wound with water. You DO NOT need soap or hydrogen peroxide. Apply an antibiotic cream, then cover the wound with an adhesive bandage. Change the bandage every day, or when it gets wet.

  6. Apr 24, 2020 · Hydrocolloid dressings are useful for dry necrotic wounds, wounds with minimal exudate and for clean granulating wounds. Hydrogel. Aquasorb, DuoDerm, Intrasite Gel, Granugel, Normlgel, Nu-Gel, Purilon Gel, KY Jelly. Hydrogel dressings are water-based or glycerin-based semipermeable hydrophilic polymers; cooling properties may decrease wound pain.

  7. Morasso and her team are comparing mouth wounds—which heal very rapidly—with normal skin wounds and nonhealing wounds. Her team’s recent study showed that diabetic foot ulcers lacked two proteins that are found in wounds that heal normally. Because the proteins were missing, immune cells weren’t able to move into the wounds.

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