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  1. font-awesome - Libraries - cdnjs - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers. Home. Libraries. font-awesome. The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit. 73k. GitHub. package. (OFL-1.1 OR MIT OR CC-BY-4.0) licensed. Tags: css, font, icons, fontawesome, webfont, svg-icons, svg-sprites. Version. 6.5.2

  2. Your Personal CDN. Add our super-simple embed code to your site and have instant access to ALL of Font Awesome. <i class="fa-regular fa-heart"></i> Place icons on your website with a simple, memorable syntax. And easily change styles when the mood suits you. Instant Updates.

  3. The recommended CDN for Bootstrap , Font Awesome , Bootswatch and Bootstrap Icons. Star 1,329.

  4. Font Awesome CDN helps you automate accessibility support more easily so your icons work for the most people possible. Read up on our accessibility best practices.

  5. The recommended free CDN for Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Bootswatch and Bootstrap Icons.

  6. Get set up, add icons and style, or fine-tune - we’ve got what you need to know to use Font Awesome icons on the web. Setting Up on the Web. There are a few different ways to set up Font Awesome. We suggest using a kit since it’s easy, fast, and customizable.

  7. If you like control, you can host Font Awesome yourself, and you can choose to use Web Fonts + CSS described below or SVG + JS to get icons into your projects. We’ll cover the basics of getting set up with Web Fonts and how you can use specific Font Awesome icon styles.

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