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  1. Learn how to clean your house from top to bottom to get it ready to sell with this house cleaning checklist.

  2. How to remove bugs from your car without damaging the paint. All you need to clean bugs from your car are a microfiber cloth and a cleaning product. It’s a good idea to keep these in your car so you can clean on the go.

  3. Learn how to remove oil stains from concrete and asphalt driveways and tips to prevent oil stains on your driveway.

  4. House cleaning. Laundry services. Dry cleaning. Office cleaning. Commercial cleaning. What does it cost? Your cleaning insurance cost will typically depend on the specific types of cleaning services you do.

  5. Cleaning. To kill black mold on wood, ceramics, and other nonporous materials, you’ll need the right product. “We use an EPA-approved biocide, but you can also clean mold with a high-phosphate detergent,” Morgenstern says. “There’s a number of different types of products out there to clean surfaces, and everybody uses something a little different.”

  6. Discover how to clean headlights with toothpaste, vinegar, and other household ingredients to help you see better when driving.

  7. Landscapers. Painters. Photographers. Plumbers. In some cases, employers or clients might require you to carry a certain amount of general liability before you can work for them. Read through your contracts carefully to make sure you select the right limits when getting a general liability insurance quote.

  8. How to go green at home. Household 3 min read. Learning how to be more environmentally friendly at home is relatively easy. One of the simplest ways to go green at home is to look at what you buy daily or weekly. Another way is to avoid single-use items — especially plastic ones — and choose reusable items instead.

  9. Clean and disinfect. Get a broom and a shop vac and clean everything out thoroughly. You can even hose down the solid surfaces — studs and slab — with clean water to help wash away growing bacteria. But don’t power wash or get the remaining drywall wet. Once everything is relatively dry, you’ll need to use something to kill the bacteria.

  10. Keeping your driveway clean isn’t a chore to be ignored. It can vastly increase your home’s value and curb appeal and should be part of your seasonal home maintenance checklist. Pressure washing a driveway is a simple task, but it does require some preparation and know-how to do it right.

  11. How to remove lead paint from walls and other surfaces. The EPA provides a list of safeguards for homeowners tackling lead paint abatement projects themselves. The following is an overview of the most common considerations — check with state and local agencies for their specific guidelines.

  12. If the weather’s not too harsh where you live, washing your vehicle every two weeks is a good rule of thumb to help your car last longer. However, if you apply a coat of wax at the end of each cleaning session, you may be able to wash it less often.

  13. Learn ways to keep your car clean when you have a pet, including how to get dog hair out of a car and how to keep a car free of dog hair.

  14. Clean and change your filters regularly. Taking proper care of your filters is probably the easiest and most effective thing you can do to keep your A/C unit healthy. Take note of the kind of filter that is best for your air conditioner and adhere to the appropriate guidelines for cleaning or changing it.

  15. How to clean a boat 1. Wax your hull. If you keep your boat tied up at the dock for more than a few days, it’s a good idea to haul it out and wash and wax the hull before your next voyage. It’s also essential to winterize your boat. One of the best boat cleaning products is a non-toxic, environmentally safe boat cleaner.

  16. To help you, we’ll not only teach you how to wash a classic car the right way, but we’ll discuss the very best way to wash a classic car, from using the right cleaning products to drying it without scratching its paint.

  17. Regular oil changes improve your engine’s performance, extend its longevity, and help your car achieve its peak gas mileage. Clean oil is essential for keeping the engine and all the engine controls properly lubricated and running smoothly.

  18. A clean driving record is defined as a motor vehicle record (MVR) with no violations, at-fault accidents, or traffic-related convictions for a set amount of time. It's the ideal situation for any driver, but a violation doesn't completely negate the chance for a clean driving record in the future.

  19. Sunroofs come in several different types, but all of them can let water into your vehicle if they wear out or get damaged. Fortunately, some easy, inexpensive sunroof maintenance techniques can keep your sunroof in good shape. If you already have a car with a sunroof, these tips can help you keep it in good shape.

  20. There are three types of car titles that most drivers will encounter, clear/clean title, lienholder title and electronic title. Clear/clean A clear or clean title is issued when a vehicle doesn't have an outstanding loan on it.

  21. Gutters: Clean out waste and make sure all units are securely attached Doors and windows : Test locks on all doors and windows, and check that there are no broken seals Walls and ceilings : Examine for any cracks, stains, and water damage

  22. To get the cheapest car insurance, make sure you maximize your eligibility for car insurance discounts, use AutoQuote Explorer® to compare car insurance rates, keep a clean driving record, and only file a claim when you need to. Find out more ways to lower your car insurance premium.

  23. Premium gas is also often called high-octane gas thanks to its octane rating of 91 to 94. Regular gas typically has an 87 rating, while the 88-90 range is considered midgrade. Premium gas drives performance in specific engines, but the idea that it's more fuel efficient is a myth. Premium gas is a ...

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