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  1. Member, International Association of Korean Lawyers. Vice President, Schools, Harvard Club of Southern California. Mr. Kim has more than twenty years of experience in corporate, transactional and securities matters in the technology, health sciences, financial services, manufacturing and real estate industries. Mr.

    • Overview
    • Early life and education
    • Starfleet Academy
    • Aboard Voyager
    • Later career
    • Alternate realities and timelines
    • Relationships
    • Holograms
    • Appendices

    "Mr. Kim… at ease, before you sprain something."

    – Kathryn Janeway, 2371 ("Caretaker")

    Prior to his birth, Kim was lucid enough to form memories of being in the womb. (VOY: "The Cloud") He was born in 2349, the only son of John and Mary Kim. (VOY: "Caretaker", "Eye of the Needle", "Favorite Son") While Kim was born on Earth in South Carolina, he grew up in another location. (VOY: "One")

    Growing up, Kim's parents used to tell him how special he was, as they had been trying to have a baby for years until he came along. To them he was their miracle child, they spoiled him rotten, and made sacrifices so he could have everything he wanted. When he was older, Kim claimed that he never felt like he deserved kind of devotion his parents gave him. He didn't see what was so special about himself, so he used to imagine that he had hidden powers, and thought he would grow up to be stronger than a Klingon, or was able to read people's minds– anything to make him more than just an average kid. (VOY: "Favorite Son")

    In 2355, Kim visited a haunted house with his family. (VOY: "Collective")

    In the third grade, Kim had to memorize the greeting recorded aboard Friendship 1. (VOY: "Friendship One")

    In 2358, Kim suffered from a case of the Mendakan pox. (VOY: "Favorite Son") The same year, he joined his parents on a humanitarian mission to a colony that had just suffered from a radiation disaster. While there, the Kims visited a hospital, and Harry wandered off by himself to an area where he wasn't supposed to be. In this area, he saw many sick and dying, including a little girl on an operating table. As he watched, the doctor called for a scalpel, and the little girl looked at Harry, her face was filled with fear. (VOY: "The Thaw")

    Despite of his parents being "practically tone deaf", Kim loved music. (VOY: "Favorite Son", "One") Kim played clarinet in the Juilliard Youth Symphony. When he served on the USS Voyager, he forgot his clarinet. (VOY: "Caretaker") He later replicated one with his replicator rations and went on to perform with a jazz combo of officers, "Harry Kim and the Kimtones". (VOY: "Virtuoso") Kim also later played the saxophone. (VOY: "Ashes to Ashes", "Lineage")

    All his life, all Kim ever wanted to do was join Starfleet, so that could go into space and explore the Galaxy. (VOY: "Caretaker", "Favorite Son")

    He aced the quantum theory portion of the Starfleet Academy entrance exam. (VOY: "Imperfection")

    Kim attended Starfleet Academy from 2366 to 2370. (VOY: "Non Sequitur")

    While at the Academy, Kim was warned about the Ferengi. (VOY: "Caretaker") He also learned about the self-aware Moriarty hologram and how it took over the Enterprise-D. (VOY: "Alter Ego")

    Among his Academy curriculum was a survival course taught by Commander Zakarian, someone who he later admitted never really liking. (VOY: "Caretaker") After he took Starfleet History at the Academy, Kim always wondered what it would be like to live during the late 23rd century. (VOY: "Flashback")

    During his Academy years, he became close friends with Lyndsay Ballard, who lived across the hall in the student dorm. He even changed his class schedule so he would be in the same classes as Ballard. She taught him to ice skate, despite his dislike for cold weather. He never mentioned to her that he had a crush on her, not until he met her again in 2376. (VOY: "Ashes to Ashes")

    Sometime after Kim returned home, Ensign Brad Boimler was able to procure a Voyager plate that Kim had signed. (LD: "We'll Always Have Tom Paris")

    In one alternate timeline created in 2371, after his shuttle entered an alien time stream that changed his timeline. Kim found himself back in San Francisco, assigned to the Starfleet Engineer Corps, living with Libby, who was at the time his fiancée. Instead of taking a posting aboard Voyager, he worked as a starship design specialist who received the Cochrane Medal of Excellence for Outstanding Advances in Warp Theory, a certificate of completion for completing Academy Extension Course #4077, and a Flight Proficiency Award from Starfleet Academy. His first major accomplishment was designing the new tetryon plasma warp engines for the USS Yellowstone. He was helped by Cosimo, one of the aliens, and the Tom Paris of that timeline (without Kim, it was Paris who Quark tried to rip off – he attacked the Ferengi, was arrested by Odo, and was still in the brig when Voyager left DS9), to return to Voyager. (VOY: "Non Sequitur")

    In another timeline, Kim married Linnis Paris, the daughter of Tom Paris and Kes. The couple had a son named Andrew. He had previously served as the best man at Paris and Kes' wedding. (VOY: "Before and After")

    In yet another timeline, Kim and Chakotay flew the Delta Flyer to Earth after Voyager was destroyed due to a mistake of Kim's, an erroneous phase correction to the slipstream threshold of the quantum slipstream drive he chiefly designed. Fifteen years later, as fugitives, they found Voyager and "fixed" history. With a Borg temporal transmitter that they stole from Starfleet they sent a message back in time to prevent the crash. Kim had blamed himself for what happened to Voyager, and as such was more aggressive to The Doctor (the only survivor of the crash because he was a computer program). For example, he threatened to shut him down for good if he didn't help save Voyager, something The Doctor was reluctant to do since it meant altering the timeline. After Kim failed yet again to save Voyager, and with the Flyer, damaged by the USS Challenger, three minutes from a warp core breach, he completely fell apart, bursting into tears and bitterly accepting his final failure. The Doctor, however, would have none of it, and gave Kim the idea (which, due to his obsession with trying to get Voyager home, had not even crossed his mind) that, rather than preserving the slipstream, he should try to avoid the disaster by ending the flight before it was too late, a suggestion Kim excitedly realized was in fact possible. His broken spirit rejuvenated by the knowledge that, while a return to the Alpha Quadrant was out of the question, the ship and crew could still be saved, Kim succeeded at the last possible second by using The Doctor's mobile emitter to power the transmitter and send a message to Voyager, dying with his arms raised in triumph. (VOY: "Timeless")

    In yet another timeline, Kim commanded the Nova-class starship USS Rhode Island in the early 25th century. He was on a four-year mission, missing a number of events, including Chakotay's funeral.

    His return by 2404 coincided with the ten-year reunion of Voyager's return to the Alpha Quadrant, where he met, for the first time since she was an infant, Naomi Wildman's daughter, Sabrina.

    Later was sent by The Doctor – who contacted Kim directly to keep the matter "in the family" – to stop Vice Admiral Janeway from interfering with the past 33 years of history. However, she convinced him to assist her by holding off two Klingon ships. (VOY: "Endgame")


    Kim was very close to his parents, Mary and John Kim. He was in contact with them every week, even during his training missions. His mother was a schoolteacher. She became upset because Harry had left his clarinet behind when he was assigned to Voyager, and she did not have enough time to send it to him. (VOY: "Caretaker", "Eye of the Needle") On his mother's birthday in 2377, he got to speak to his parents face-to-face for the first time in seven years. During the conversation his mother stated that Kim was very popular with her eighth graders. Kim's parents were bothered that he hadn't been promoted. (VOY: "Author, Author") Harry had a cousin on his father's side named Dennis Kim. They had a mutual friend, Maxwell Soroyan, who was killed by the Maquis a few years prior to 2377. When the USS Voyager reestablished communications with the Alpha Quadrant, Dennis wrote a letter to Harry in which he talked about Soroyan's death. (VOY: "Repression") Harry also had an ancestor named Uncle Jack who was a starship pilot. (VOY: "11:59")


    Kim had a girlfriend named Libby, whom he met, by accident, at a Ktarian music festival, where he was sitting in her seat. After the incident, it took Kim three weeks to work up the courage to ask her on a date. After Voyager became stranded in the Delta Quadrant, in 2371, Kim held on to his love for Libby and often woke up in the middle of the night calling her name, hoping for a response. (VOY: "Non Sequitur") Despite his continued affection for Libby, Kim had many failed relationship attempts while aboard Voyager. He confessed to a long-held infatuation with Academy classmate Lyndsay Ballard, who died during a shuttle mission and was then revived by an alien race known as the Kobali. (VOY: "Ashes to Ashes") Kim's other failed infatuations include crewmate Megan Delaney, (VOY: "Time and Again") a holographic character named Marayna, (VOY: "Alter Ego") and an alien terrorist named Irina. (VOY: "Drive") In 2374, Kim became infatuated with Seven of Nine shortly after she was released from the Borg Collective. Seven, however, did not return the affection due to her incomplete understanding of Human culture. When she confronted Kim regarding his feelings for her, she attempted to initiate an intimate encounter with him, forcing an awkward Kim to defuse the situation. The result of their encounter, however, did set the foundation for developing a friendship. (VOY: "Revulsion") In 2375, Kim became involved in a forbidden affair with a Varro engineer named Derran Tal. Harry fell deeply in love with Derran, in part because of a special bond created between the two called olan'vora, which he contracted following intimate relations with the Varro. (VOY: "The Disease")

    Harry Kim has been holographically duplicated on a number of occasions.

    •Recreations of crew members from Voyager and the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center were seen by The Doctor during a holographic malfunction in 2371. This simulation, or daydream, included Harry. (VOY: "Projections")

    •The entire crew of Voyager was recreated by Tuvok for his Insurrection Alpha program. (VOY: "Worst Case Scenario")

    •The Doctor took holographic images of the entire crew of Voyager in 2375 during their annual physicals. (VOY: "Latent Image")

    •Lt. Barclay's recreated most of the crew of USS Voyager at the Communications Research Center on Earth for the Pathfinder Project in 2376. (VOY: "Pathfinder")

    •In 2378, Seven recreated the crew of Voyager to perfect her social skills, including Kim. (VOY: "Human Error")


    Harry Kim appears in 166 of the 168 episodes of Star Trek: Voyager. Thus, only the two episodes he does not appear in are listed here for brevity. •VOY: All episodes except for: •"Fair Trade" •"Blood Fever"

    Background information

    Harry Kim was played by actor Garrett Wang throughout the run of Star Trek: Voyager. Taylor Chong portrayed the infant Harry Kim in the second season episode "The Thaw" and actor Kenny Yee portrayed Harry Kim as a child in the flashback scene in the third season episode "Favorite Son". According to the VOY Season 2 DVD trivia text version of "The 37's", an early production name for Harry Kim was Jay Osaka. In the original, 1994 Writer's Bible for Star Trek: Voyager, the following biography was given for the character: (X) In the script for "Caretaker", Harry Kim was described as "a young Starfleet Ensign in his early twenties. Looks fresh scrubbed and right out of the Academy." According to numerous interviews with Garrett Wang, over the course of Voyager's run, Wang actively petitioned both the writing staff and Rick Berman to promote the character of Harry Kim to lieutenant, thus mirroring similar promotions of Tom Paris and Tuvok. Wang's views were also shared by a large number of fans who felt it was unrealistic and even silly to show Harry Kim as an ensign after several years of experience in the Delta Quadrant. According to Wang, in response to his protests, he was repeatedly told "Someone has to be the ensign." and thus his character was never promoted. Regarding his character's ethnic background, Wang explained on his podcast The Delta Flyers that he believed, with the last name Kim, that his character was Korean-American. Wang also remembered a conversation with Brannon Braga during the development of Star Trek: Enterprise where Braga suggested Kim was Chinese-American. According to Wang, Eric Steinberg was a runner up for the role of Harry.


    According to the video game Star Trek: Starship Creator, Harry's father is named Han Myong Kim and his mother is named Shin Ok Kim. In the Voyager relaunch book series, Kim gets back together with Libby and is promoted to full lieutenant (like many of his crewmates, Kim is promoted two steps in rank, to make up for the time spent in the Delta Quadrant where he could not normally receive promotions). Kim then serves under Captain Chakotay aboard Voyager as chief of security. In the novel Pathways, it is stated that a George Mathers was Kim's roommate at the Academy, not James MacAllister. Mathers developed a serious crush on Kim, only to be severely disappointed to the point of moving out when he found out that Kim was heterosexual. According to the Star Trek Online tie-in novel The Needs of the Many, Harry Kim became the chief of security of Starbase 11 in 2400. Kim appears in the second expansion, Delta Rising (voiced once more by Garrett Wang) as captain of the USS Rhode Island and Starfleet envoy to the Kobali, a race under siege by the Vaadwaur. In the mission "Dust to Dust", it is revealed that the Kobali had found the body of the original Harry Kim from the episode "Deadlock" and had reanimated him as a Kobali named Keten. Kim and the Rhode Island also fight alongside now-Admiral Tuvok and Captain Tom Paris in the war against the Iconians. In the "Kings and Queens" storyline, Kim now commands the USS Inouye fighting against the incursion of the mirror universe Borg Kingdom. In the episode "Scorpion's Abyss", Kim joins Captain Ezri Dax in a mission to seal a dimensional vortex used by the Borg Kingdom to invade fluidic space, and discovers that the Borg King is his own mirror universe counterpart. According to The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway, Kim eventually married Libby after his return to the Alpha Quadrant and he gets promoted to captain rapidly. In an alternate timeline featured in the Star Trek: Myriad Universes novella A Gutted World, Voyager was never stranded in the Delta Quadrant. Kim served as operations officer until the ship was destroyed by the Cardassians in the Dorvan sector in 2373.

  2. Dec 15, 2022 · While the fact that Kim inhabits such a role may feel like a running gag on the show (especially given his dubious success), it was an unsung milestone for East Asian representation on American screens.

    • Mary Fan
    • Harry H.W. Kim1
    • Harry H.W. Kim2
    • Harry H.W. Kim3
    • Harry H.W. Kim4
  3. Mar 3, 2021 · Ensign Harry Kim continues to be one of the most popular characters from Star Trek: Voyager, but fans witnessed his death and resurrection more than a few times over the course of the show.

    • Author
  4. Dec 15, 2023 · In the second-season "Non Sequitur," Harry Kim wakes up in an alternate timeline, in 24th Century San Francisco, where he never served aboard Voyager. Instead, he seemingly has a perfect life as a design specialist at Starfleet Headquarters and a fiancée who loves him dearly.

    • Christine Dinh
  5. Harry Kim, MD, is a Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and the Director for the Center for Excellence in Hip Disorders at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children.

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  7. Jan 25, 2024 · Harry Kim's quest for companionship and desire for connection lead him on intriguing adventures and contribute to his growth as a character throughout the series.

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