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  1. Sir William Hamilton, KB, PC, FRS, FRSE (13 December 1730 – 6 April 1803) was a British diplomat, politician, antiquarian and vulcanologist who served as the Envoy Extraordinary to the Kingdom of Naples from 1764 to 1800.

  2. Sir William Hamilton (born Dec. 13, 1730, Scotland—died April 6, 1803, London, Eng.) was a British diplomat and archaeologist. He was the husband of Emma, Lady Hamilton, the mistress of Admiral Horatio Nelson.

  3. Sir William Rowan Hamilton FRAS PRIA (3/4 August 1805 – 2 September 1865) was an Irish mathematician, astronomer, and physicist. He was Andrews Professor of Astronomy at Trinity College Dublin and Director of the Dunsink Observatory .

  4. Sir William Rowan Hamilton was an Irish mathematician who contributed to the development of optics, dynamics, and algebra—in particular, discovering the algebra of quaternions. His work proved significant for the development of quantum mechanics.

  5. The academic prestige and intellectual admiration William Hamilton enjoyed during his lifetime, and retained for a short period after his death, contrasts very sharply with his subsequent relegation to the status of a minor philosophical figure.

  6. William Hamilton is best known as a leader in the first wave of American abolitionism. Life and career. Hamilton was born in New York sometime in 1773, and was reputed to be a son of Alexander Hamilton, Founding Father and future Secretary of the Treasury. His mother was a free woman of color.

  7. Mar 8, 2015 · William Hamilton was a Scottish philosopher whose approach to logic influenced Boole, De Morgan and others. View two larger pictures. Biography. William Hamilton's mother was Elizabeth Stirling and his father, the professor of anatomy in the University of Glasgow, was named William Hamilton.

  8. Sir William Hamilton, 9th Baronet (born March 8, 1788, Glasgow, Scot.—died May 6, 1856, Edinburgh) was a Scottish metaphysical philosopher and influential educator, also remembered for his contributions in the field of logic.

  9. Jun 8, 2018 · Hamilton, William Hamilton, 2nd duke of [S] (1616–51). Scottish royalist leader in civil wars. Hamilton was educated at the University of Glasgow, created earl of Lanark in 1639, and made secretary of state for Scotland the following year.

  10. Aug 24, 2016 · Sir William Hamilton, 1788–1856, Scottish philosopher. He was widely interested in law, physiology, and literature and was professor of history and philosophy at the Univ. of Edinburgh. Hamilton helped to reestablish the waning fame of the Scottish school of metaphysics.

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