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  1. Henryk Holland (1920-1961) był polskim socjologiem, dziennikarzem, publicystą i działaczem komunistycznym. Uczestniczył w II wojnie światowej jako kapitan Ludowego Wojska Polskiego, był redaktorem „Walki Młodych” i „Trybuny Wolności”, ojcem Agnieszki Holland.

  2. Henryk Holland (Warsaw, 8 April 1920 – 21 December 1961, Warsaw) was a Polish sociologist, journalist, writer, captain in the Polish People's Army, and communist activist. He was the father of film directors Agnieszka Holland and Magdalena Łazarkiewicz. [1]

  3. Jul 14, 2017 · Przez całe lata panowało powszechne przekonanie, że śmierć dziennikarza i socjologa Henryka Hollanda (ojca znanych reżyserek Agnieszki Holland i Magdaleny Łazarkiewicz) to polityczny mord wykonany przez funkcjonariuszy SB.

  4. Aug 8, 1993 · Imprisoned in Prague, exiled in France and long persecuted in her own country, Holland has repeatedly paid for a mixed Polish Catholic and Jewish ancestry that places her at the hub...

  5. She is the daughter of journalists Irena (née Rybczyńska) and Henryk Holland, who had been a prominent Communist activist since 1935 and a captain in the Soviet Army. [10][11] Holland's mother was Roman Catholic and her father Jewish, but she was not brought up in either faith. [12][13] Her father, Henryk Holland, lost his parents in a ghetto du...

  6. Henryk Holland (Warsaw, 8 April 1920 – 21 December 1961, Warsaw) was a Polish sociologist, journalist, writer, captain in the Polish People's Army, and communist activist. He was the father of film directors Agnieszka Holland and Magdalena Łazarkiewicz. [1]

  7. Sep 11, 2023 · Henryk Holland, her father, lost his parents in a ghetto during the Holocaust and spent the majority of his adult life hiding his Jewishness. Her father was an avid Communist writer whose publications led to the firing of several notable professors by the Communist state.

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