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  1. This page contains a dump analysis for errors #91 (Interwiki link written as an external link or used as a reference.).. It can be generated using WPCleaner by any user. It's possible to update this page by following the procedure below:

  2. 80年以上の歴史を持つ日本プロ野球の創世期より、読売ジャイアンツと阪神タイガースの両球団は、球史に残る幾多の名勝負を繰り広げており「永遠のライバル」、また、両者の対決を「伝統の一戦」と呼ばれていた。. これに因み、2016年、巨人・ 高橋由伸 ...

    • 株式会社読売巨人軍
    • 約46,000人(東京ドーム)
    • 1934年12月26日 (88年前)
    • 山口寿一
  3. The Municipal Solid Waste Charging Scheme (Hong Kong), also known as the Waste Disposal (Charging for Municipal Solid Waste) (Amendment) Bill 2018, is [1] a system for managing solid waste in Hong Kong. It implements legislation that takes effect on 1 April 2024. It adopts the 'polluter-pay' principle as first suggested by the government in 2005.

    • Board of Directors
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    ASTRI is headed by the Chief Executive Officer and is governed by a board of directors from the business and academic worlds of Hong Kong and Hong Kong SAR government representatives. The Board of Directors has established three functional committees, namely the Finance and Administration Committee, the Science and Technology Committee and the Audi...

    Chief Executive Officer: Dr Denis Yip
    Chief Technology Officer: Dr Lucas Hui
    Chief Operating Officer: Mr David Chan
    Chief Financial Officer: Ms. Cammy Yung

    ASTRI's core R&D competence in various areas is organized under five Technology Divisions, namely Artificial Intelligence & Big Data; Communications; Cybersecurity, Cryptography & Trusted Technologies; Integrated Circuits & Systems; and Internet of Things & Sensors.

    ASTRI has established multiple joint R&D laboratories to collaborate with other businesses and institutions. Its major joint initiatives include: Hong Kong branch of the Chinese National Engineering Research Centre (CNERC) for Application Specific Integrated Circuits ASTRI Cyber Range in partnership with Hong Kong Police Force ASTRI Cybersecurity L...

    The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute is currently Hong Kong’s Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) R&D Centre, under which it operates in four technology areas, namely Consumer Electronics, Communications Technologies, IC Design and Optoelectronics. It collaborates with local universities to nurture young tal...

    Under ASTRI’s four technology divisions are 5 core areas of applied scientific and technological research, namely, smart city, financial technologies, intelligent manufacturing, digital health, application specific integrated circuits and metaverse.They have joint laboratories and research facilities with local and Mainland Chinese educational inst...

    Building upon the vision espoused by the 1997 Policy Address to establish Hong Kong as an “innovative centre in the region” and to develop a knowledge-based economy, the inception of ASTRI was proposed in 1998 by the Chief Executive’s Commission on Innovation and Technology headed by Prof. Chang-Lin Tien in their attempt to introduce a detailed blu...

    Narrowing Foci and Expanding Outreach: Two Milestones Recognized by the Government In 2006, ASTRI was designated by the Innovation and Technology Commission as the R&D Centre for Information and Communications Technologies, a division of labour in select focus areas assigned by the Commission in light of the contemporaneous and spontaneous establis...

    ASTRI is governed by a Board of Directors from the academic, industrial and commercial sectors and the Hong Kong SAR Government. The Board comprises 20 directors including the Chairman, 17 members and 2 official members representing the Government. The current Board Chairman is Ir Sunny Lee Wai-kwong, JP. The current Official Members are Ms Annie C...

    The formal funding source of ASTRI is the Hong Kong SAR government. The Finance and Administration Committee, established by the Board of Directors of ASTRI, formally oversees ASTRI’s finance and administration matters. Comprising members from both academia and the industry, the Committee recommends the Annual Budget to the Board for consideration ...

  4. 千葉スカイセイラーズ (ちばスカイセイラーズ、 英語: Chiba Sky Sailors )は、 千葉県 を本拠地とする 日本 の プロ野球 チーム。 2023年 に 独立リーグ ・ ベイサイドリーグ (BSL)のリーグ戦に参加した。 しかし同年限りでリーグを脱退し、2025年以降に ベースボール・チャレンジ・リーグ (ルートインBCリーグ)加入を目指すことを表明している。 概要. 千葉県では初の独立リーグ球団である [1] 。 球団事務所は 船橋市 に設置している [1] 。 2022年 10月31日に、当時の日本海オセアンリーグが 福井ネクサスエレファンツ の活動休止と同時に千葉県への新球団設立を発表 [2] 。

    • 株式会社千葉県民球団
    • 早坂圭介
  5. 54分25秒:123便は東京APCに現在地を尋ね、「羽田から55マイル (89 km) 北西で、熊谷市から25マイル (40 km) 西」と知らされた。 55分01秒:機長は副操縦士に「フラップおりるね?」と尋ね、副操縦士は「はいフラップ10(度下がっている)」と返答し、フラップを ...

  6. 刑法犯罪の暴力犯罪も非暴力犯罪も各罪種の発生率が、日中戦争が進行した1930年代中期-第二次世界大戦終結前後の1940年代中期に減少傾向になり、第二次世界大戦終結前の最少、または、統計がある1926年以後の最少を記録(人口10万人中の発生率は、殺人は ...

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