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      • The Weimar Republic offered greater sexual autonomy to many of its citizens, at the expense of a small minority of people who were defined as degenerate. It is when they study eugenics that historians most often consider how ideas of heredity and degeneration affected the state regulation of sexualities.
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  2. The Weimar. Republic offered greater sexual autonomy to many of its citizens, at the expense of a small minority of people who were defined as degenerate. It is when they study eugenics that historians most often consider how ideas of heredity and degeneration affected the state regulation of sexualities.

  3. Liberated, licentious, or merely liberal, the sexual freedoms of Germany's Weimar Republic have become legendary. The home of the world's first gay rights movement, the republic embodied a progressive, secular vision of sexual liberation. Immortalized - however misleadingly - in Christopher Isherwood's Berlin Stories and the musical Cabaret ...

  4. The so-called sex reform movement of Weimar Germany (1919-1933), was dedicated to providing more sexual and, in turn, social freedoms to men and women. Its two major aims were to give working class men and women access to information about and means of birth control and to reform the Paragraphs 218 and 219 of the German Penal Code of 1871 that ...

  5. Jun 29, 2020 · Remembering Weimar through the lens of sexual politics reminds us of the violence and life-and-death stakes that, both then and now, are too often linked to living one’s gender and sexuality outside the mainstream.

  6. In fact, as Marhoefer demonstrates in Chapter 5, the kind of (limited) toleration for nonnormative sexualities engendered by the Weimar Settlement ironically rescued the Nazi Party itself at a crucial moment, namely the sex scandal surrounding SA leader Ernst Röhm.

  7. Oct 8, 2020 · The remasculinization of the public sphere and the significance of homosocial forms of bonding illustrate to what extent the demise of the Weimar Republic was facilitated by the wish to transfer ambiguous gender relations into the hegemony of a clear-cut masculinity.