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      • The Old Spanish spelling of the sibilants was identical to modern Portuguese spelling, which, unlike Spanish, still preserves most of the sounds of the medieval language, and so is still a mostly faithful representation of the spoken language. › entry › 31335
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    The Old Spanish spelling of the sibilants was identical to modern Portuguese spelling. Examples of words before spelling was altered in 1815 to reflect the changed pronunciation: passar 'to pass' versus casar 'to marry' (Modern Spanish pasar, casar, cf. Portuguese passar, casar)

  3. sibilants. The result was somewhat different in the two dialects of Andalucian Spanish: (7) Voice leveling: /s/ /z/ /š/ /ž/ (prestige ‘seseo’ dialect) yt yt /s/ /š/ (8) Voice leveling: /θ/ /ð/ /š/ /ž/ (rural ‘ceceo’ dialect) yt yt /θ/ /š/

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  4. By the early 1700s the six sibilant phonemes of medieval Spanish had all merged into three phonemes in the dialects with this distinction and two phonemes elsewhere, but spelling still reflected the older pronunciation system.

  5. devoicing and further development of the medieval Spanish sibilants, producing (1) the velar fricative [x] in words such as caja, hijo, gente, and (2)—in many dialects of Spain, including the prestige varieties of Madrid, Toledo, etc.—the interdental [θ] in words such as cinco, hacer, and lazo.

  6. sibilants. The result was somewhat different in the two dialects of Andalucian Spanish: (7) Voice leveling: /s/ /z/ /š/ /Ó/ (prestige ‘seseo’ dialect) *& *& /s/ /š/ (8) Voice leveling: /ˇ/ /ð/ /š/ /Ó/ (rural ‘ceceo’ dialect) *& *& /ˇ/ /š/ The terms seseo and ceceo are used to distinguish these dialects.

  7. The Old Spanish orthography typically represents this [-β-] using the letter v/u, regardless of whether the relevant word was spelled with v or b in Latin: Old Sp. auer [aˈβeɾ] ‘to have’ (< Lat. habēre [aˈbeɾe]) Old Sp. seruir [seɾˈβiɾ] ‘to serve’ (< Lat. sĕrvīre [seɾˈwiɾe])

  8. Oct 26, 2022 · The Old Spanish spelling of the sibilants was identical to modern Portuguese spelling, which, unlike Spanish, still preserves most of the sounds of the medieval language, and so is still a mostly faithful representation of the spoken language. Spanish spelling was altered in 1815 to reflect the changed pronunciation:

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