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    • Numbers 6:22 through 8:4

      • The Torah reading is taken from Numbers 6:22 through 8:4. This story recounts the dedication of the tabernacle while the Israelites were in the desert during the Exodus. On Chabbat during Hanukkah, the regular weekly reading will be used. Other selections are read from Zechariah 4 and 1 Kings 7. › learning-center › commemorate
  1. Shabbat 21b:10. What is Hanukkah? The Sages taught: On the twenty-fifth of Kislev, the days of Hanukkah are eight. One may not eulogize on them and one may not fast on them... T he Sages instituted those days and made them holidays with recitation of hallel and special thanksgiving. Chanukah Blessings and Prayers. שבת כ״א ב:ה׳.

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  3. Nov 26, 2018 · This is an English translation of the Haftarah reading for the first Shabbat of Ḥanukkah (Zekharyah 2:14-4:7), transtropilized.

  4. Dec 5, 2017 · In this article we will examine the issues that come into play around the Shabbat (or Shabbatot) of Chanukah. Lighting Shabbat Candles and Chanukah Candles. In general, it is advisable to prepare one’s menorah during the afternoon so that there will be no delay in lighting at the proper time.

    • Hanukkah
    • The Observance of Hanukkah
    • Hanukkah Services

    “Now on the five and twentieth day of the ninth month, which is called the month of Kislev, in the hundred forty and eighth year, they rose up in the morning, and offered sacrifice according to the law upon the new altar of burnt offerings, which they had made. At the very season and on the very day that the Gentiles had profaned it, it was dedicat...

    Hanukkah begins on the eve of the twenty-fifth day of Kislew and lasts eight days. Work is permitted during the eight days, but all signs of sadness are to be avoided. There is no fasting, and at funerals eulogies and tziduk hadinare omitted (O.H. 670:1; Rama on O.H. 683:1). Hanukkah is marked by the kindling of lights at home and it) the synagogue...

    In the liturgy al hanisim is added before v’al kulam and in Birkat Hamazon before v’al hakol (O.H. 682:1). Tahanun is not recited on Hanukkah, beginning with Minhah on the eve of Hanukkah (O.H. 683:1). Complete Hallel is recited every morning after the ‘Amidah (O.H. 683:1 in Rama). Since there is no Musaf on Hanukkah, and Hallel is thus not the end...

  5. Jews have been lighting these lights continuously for the past 2,300 years. But that is merely middle-aged by Jewish standards. This Friday night, as Shabbat begins, we will light two sets of lights: First, the radiant colors of the Hanukkiah and then the sweet white candles of Shabbat.

  6. For lo, I come; and I will dwell in your midst — declares the LORD. 15 In that day many nations will attach themselves to the LORD and become His people, and He will dwell in your midst. Then you will know that I was sent to you by the LORD of Hosts.

  7. On Chanukah we celebrate the re-dedication of the Temple by the victorious Maccabee forces, a Temple that had been defiled by the Greeks. In fact the Hebrew word "Chanukah" means dedication. In a similar vein, the Chanukah Torah reading discusses the dedication of the desert Tabernacle.

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