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  1. Written Cantonese is the most complete written form of a Chinese language after that for Mandarin Chinese and Classical Chinese. Written Chinese was the main literary language of China until the 19th century.

  2. Cantonese uses about 1,760 syllables to cover pronunciations of more than 10,000 Chinese characters. Most syllables are represented by standard Chinese characters, however a few are written with colloquial Cantonese characters. Cantonese has relatively simple syllable structure when compared to other languages.

  3. Cantonese Wikipedia is the Cantonese version of Wikipedia. It was created in 2006. The Cantonese Wikipedia has over 139,329 articles. The website is

  4. Cantonese is spoken by people in Southern China, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia and Singapore, as well as by many overseas Chinese who came from Cantonese-speaking parts of China. It is also the most common language of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia and North America. It is said that over 100,000,000 people speak Cantonese.

  5. 2006年4月表決, Cantonese Wikipedia 稱為「粵語維基百科」, Wikipedia 嘅候選名有「Wikipedia」、「維基百科」、「維奇百科」、「棫佳百科」同「域奇百科」。 「維基百科」以廿五票當選,「域奇百科」得五票,「棫佳百科」得一票,「Wikipedia」〇票。 Cantonese 嘅候選有「廣東話」同「粵語」,「粵語」以十九票當選,「廣東話」以十三票落選。 頭版就沿用返 中文維基百科 用開嘅副題「 海納百川,有容乃大 」。 名稱之爭. 雖然2006年表決名稱嗰陣已經決定用「粵語」,但仍然有爭議,頭版更長期用「廣東話維基百科」一詞。 喺2007年4月,有人再提出用「廣東話維基百科」之稱,一番討論之後,始終無法達成共識。

  6. Cantonese is a Sinitic language spoken by about 85 million people, mainly southern China, particularly in the provinces of Guangdong, Hainan and Hunan, and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and also in Hong Kong, Macau. In 2019 there were about 80 million speakers of Cantonese in China, including 6.6 million in Hong Kong and 507,000 in Macau.

  7. Cantonese became the dominant spoken language in Hong Kong. The extensive migration from mainland Cantonese-speaking areas to Hong Kong continued up until 1949, when the Communists took over mainland China.

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