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    • Eternal conscious punishment

      • Hell is eternal conscious punishment where sinners are separated from God’s gracious presence. › articles › what-is-hell
  1. Oct 9, 2023 · Hell is a place of total, conscious, eternal separation from the blessings of God. If a person rejects God all throughout life, never submitting to him in repentance, then the person will enter eternity after death without God.

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    • Hell is what hell is because God is who God is. People speak glibly about “seeing God,” as if seeing God face-to-face would be a warm and fuzzy experience.
    • Jesus spoke about hell more than anyone else in Scripture. Some people try to avoid the idea of hell by saying, “That was the Old Testament God, back when he was in his junior high years and all cranky.
    • Hell shows us the extent of God’s love in saving us. Why did Jesus speak about hell more than anyone else in the Bible? Because he wanted us to see what he was going to endure on the cross on our behalf.
    • People are eternal. C. S. Lewis once noted that hell is a necessary conclusion from the Christian belief that human beings were created to live forever.
  3. May 27, 2024 · It is a place of darkness, silence, and separation from God, where the righteous and the wicked go after death. However, Sheol is not necessarily synonymous with the modern concept of hell as a place of eternal torment. Instead, it is a temporary abode for the souls of the dead until the final judgment.

  4. Dec 8, 2022 · How Does the Bible Describe Hell? God’s word is faithful to warn against hell by describing the depth of its torment with images of darkness, gnashing of teeth, fire, and complete separation from God.

  5. Apr 22, 2009 · Sin is a moral condition that offends the holy God and removes us from His approval. While much modern psychology assures us that guilt can be gutted through humanistic methods, the Gospel faces the problem head-on. Guilt is real because we have violated the standards of goodness. Left to ourselves, we can do nothing to undo our wrongs.

  6. May 25, 2004 · Key Passages About Hell. (1) Hell was designed originally for Satan and his demons (Matthew 25:41; Revelation 20:10). (2) Hell will also punish the sin of those who reject Christ (Matthew 13:41,50; Revelation 20:11-15; 21:8). (3) Hell is conscious torment. Matthew 13:50 “furnace of fire…weeping and gnashing of teeth”.

  7. Apr 18, 2019 · “Hell” in the Bible is a highly symbolic idea designed to persuade people to stay faithful to their God, not to set out a precise agenda for the afterlife.

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