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    • Resham Sanghvi
    • Lao Tzu. The founder of Taoism outlined his globally popular philosophy in the Tao Te Ching between the 6th and 4th centuries B.C. — and some even debate whether or not he was a real or apocryphal individual.
    • Siddhartha Gautama. The prince Siddhartha Gautama probably lived around the 6th or 5th century B.C., but even today his spiritual guidance inspires millions of practitioners globally.
    • Confucius. In his Analects — and some theories, the Five Classics (Spring and Autumn Annals, Classic of Poetry, Classic of Changes, Classic of Rites, and Classic of History) — this 6th and 5th century B.C.
    • Rumi. Rumi’s poetry and philosophy regarding Sufi mysticism directly led to the establishment of the Mewlewi Sufi Order, known to most of the “Western” world as the “Whirling Dervishes,” following his passing.
  1. Eastern philosophy or Asian philosophy includes the various philosophies that originated in East and South Asia, including Chinese philosophy, Japanese philosophy, Korean philosophy, and Vietnamese philosophy; which are dominant in East Asia, [1] and Indian philosophy (including Hindu philosophy, Jain philosophy, Buddhist philosophy ), which are...

  2. People also ask

    • Influence Rankings
    • A Note on Diversity
    • The Most Influential Philosophers of All Time

    The InfluenceRanking engine calculates a numerical influence score for people, institutions, and disciplinary programs. It performs this calculation by drawing from Wikipedia/data, Crossref, and an ever-growing body of data reflecting academic achievement and merit. The InfluenceRanking engine measures the influence of a given person in a given dis...

    We concede from the outset that this ranking list reflects a problem, not specifically with our algorithm, but with the human history of influence. What follows is a list composed entirely of men, most of them European, descendent from European ancestry, or famous for proliferating European ideas. Absent are the great women who have altered the cou...

    What follows is a list, in order, of the most influential philosophers who ever lived. Most of the names below will be familiar, though you might find a few surprises. Other information provided below includes a condensed Wikipedia bio for each philosopher, their Key Contributions to the discipline, and Selected Works. You can also click on the pro...

  3. There was a time, not so long ago in human his­to­ry, when prac­ti­cal­ly no West­ern­ers looked to the East for wis­dom. But from our per­spec­tive today, this kind of philo­soph­i­cal seek­ing has been going on long enough to feel nat­ur­al. When times get try­ing, you might turn to the Bud­dha, Lao Tzu, or even Con­fu ...

  4. Dec 20, 2023 · Key figures include Thales, Anaximander, and Heraclitus. Classical (400-300 BCE): This era saw the emergence of great philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, focusing on ethics, politics, and epistemology.

  5. Aug 9, 2023 · Each of these philosophies offers a unique perspective on life, existence, and the pursuit of truth. Let us take a closer look at three prominent Eastern philosophies: Buddhism: Buddhism, founded by Siddhartha Gautama in the 6th century BCE, is one of the most influential Eastern philosophies.

  6. Notable among these are: Indian Philosophy. Chinese Philosophy. Korean Philosophy. Japanese Philosophy. The term sometimes also includes Middle Eastern traditions of philosophical thought, including: The distinction between Western and Eastern is of course somewhat arbitrary and artificial, and in some respects even misleading.

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