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  1. › wiki › LammefjordenLammefjorden - Wikipedia

    The Lammefjord is a polder in Denmark at the base of the Odsherred peninsula. Previously a deeply branched arm of the sea leading west from the Isefjord, most of it is now reclaimed as agricultural land. The eastern third, outside the dyke at Avdebo, is still sea, but the name Lammefjorden now usually refers only to the dry part west of the dyke.

  2. › history-in-englishLammefjorden

    Facts about Lammefjorden and. Watch video. - Today, Lammefjorden with its 5,500 ha. (equivalent to 10,000 football pitches) is Northern Europe’s largest reclaimed area. --- (Green color) - It has an approximately 40 km. long ring channel with ditches and over 50 km. of open and piped streams. - The Audebo dam is 2,200 metres long and has two ...

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  4. Lammefjorden. Lammefjorden er en fjordarm på Isefjorden i Odsherred nordvest for Holbæk. Efter inddæmning og tørlægning af næsten 6000 ha i begyndelsen af 1900-tallet er det meste nu landbrugsland.

  5. Historien om Lammefjordens inddæmning, tørlægning og udvikling er en spændende og ejendommelig historie i Danmarks nyere historie. Det hele startede på Dragsholm slot, hvor lensbaron G. F. Zytphen Adeler så mulighederne for at få mere landbrugsjord ved at udtørre dele af Lammefjorden. Han ejede i forvejen nogle øer, der lå ude i fjorden.

  6. › wiki › OdsherredOdsherred - Wikipedia

    Odsherred stretches from the Sjællands Odde in the north-west to the now drained Lammefjord in the south, covering an area with a wide range of the most typical Danish landscapes: long sandy beaches, small rolling hills and farming.

  7. The Lammefjord is a polder in Denmark at the base of the Odsherred peninsula. Previously a deeply branched arm of the sea leading west from the Isefjord, most of it is now reclaimed as agricultural land. The eastern third, outside the dyke at Avdebo, is still sea, but the name Lammefjorden now usually refers only to the dry part west of the dyke.

  8. Lammefjordens Historiske Forening tæt på at have skaffet de fornødne midler til at renovere den gamle del af pumpestationen. Lammefjordens inddæmning og tørlægning er en utrolig historie. Den tidligere fjordbund er nu noget af Danmarks bedste landbrugsjord. Rig på naturlige næringsstoffer. Og en mild jord, perfekt til grøntsager og ...

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