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  1. Apr 23, 2021 · 1. Justify how you “couldn’t possibly” take the time to fill your cup; 2. Just do the first thing that comes to mind to fill your cup; 3. Decide when, where and what you’ll do what you need to fill your cup (Hint: the last two options will serve you more!) Maybe it means you take a nap. (Or don’t because naps aren’t your jam!) Or ...

  2. “Self-care is not selfish” - Jim Kwik Click To Tweet “ You can’t pour from an empty cup.” “Take time to do what makes your soul happy” “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.”– Ben Franklin “An empty lantern provides no light. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.”

  3. Pause and look at the clouds as you consider what it means to you to fill your cup and why it might be worth devoting some time to. Share your ideas and thoughts here! ... I invite you to practice Filling Your Cup with this meditation if you'd like! 2 Comments Laura Gavigan link. 2/16/2022 08:53:35 am.

  4. Apply this to your everyday life. Taking care of yourself = keeping your cup full. If you don’t do things to keep your cup full, you have nothing left to give or share with others. This tends to be a tough concept for most women. We’ve been programmed genetically and socially to be the caregivers, to put others first.

  5. Do a random act of kindness; Attend prayer service; Close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths; Donate to a food bank; Cuddle with your children; Write a note of encouragement for someone who may need it; Pay it forward at a drive-through window; Other Ways to Nourish Your Body, Mind, and Soul. There are many other ways to nourish your mind, body ...

  6. Sep 28, 2016 · Cultivate the habit of checking how full your cup really is. You might be surprised by how low your reserves have gotten—far better to realize and remedy this now, than later. Take it from me.

  7. › fill-your-cup-ideas-for-self-careFill Your Cup: Ideas for Self Care

    Aug 8, 2021 · The pressure to do more so your kids have the best start means not only are we perpetuating the grind but we’re depleting ourselves even more in the process. ... When you take the time to fill your cup, however that might look for you it’s easier to show up wholehearted, share your gifts, and enjoy life. It’s easier to recognize when you ...

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