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  1. 1 day ago · Nasty Spoofing Attack Resurrects Internet Explorer Vulnerability in Windows 10 and 11 ( 17. Slashdot reader joshuark shared this report from BetaNews : Check Point Research has identified a critical zero-day spoofing attack exploiting Microsoft Internet Explorer on modern Windows 10/11 systems, despite the browser's retirement.

  2. 5 days ago · For some technical background, it’s not uncommon for threat actors to use .url files as an initial attack vector in their campaigns. Even using novel or zero-day url-file-related vulnerabilities has happened before— CVE-2023-36025, which was just patched last November, is a good example.

  3. This sophisticated attack resurrects the long-retired Internet Explorer (IE) browser, opening the door for malicious code execution on even the latest Windows 10 and 11 operating systems.

  4. Internet Explorer is supposed to be dead. But over the past year, hackers found a way to use the much-maligned web browser to attack Window PCs.

  5. 5 days ago · Check Point Research (CPR) warns of a new spoofing attack from threat actors using Internet Explorer shortcut files to lure Windows 10/11 users for remote code execution. CPR recommends Microsoft customers patch immediately .

  6. 2 days ago · Microsoft Windows users are suddenly at risk from a “previously unknown” trick to attack their PCs. This threat is now being actively exploited through a hidden vulnerability on your system ...

  7. Identified as CVE-2024-38112, this vulnerability allows attackers to execute remote code by tricking users into opening malicious Internet Shortcut (.url) files. This attack method has been active for over a year and could potentially impact millions...

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