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  1. The Jerk with a Heart of Gold is, when it comes to the crunch, a decent guy. The Jerk with a Heart of Jerk, on the other hand, might be capable of the occasional Pet the Dog moment, but they are, under all that meanness... an even worse person. This trope also subverts Hidden Heart of Gold.

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  3. He's a jerk, and he has the Heart of Gold. Ford Prefect veers in and out of this trope - he's something of an asshole, but he did save his best friend Arthur from certain death and is passionately opposed to cruelty to any animal but geese.

  4. A male Jerk with a Heart of Gold is usually Troubled but Cute, and his heart of gold should never outweigh his inner jerk because All Girls Want Bad Boys — though it can if Single Woman Seeks Good Man.

  5. Apr 19, 2018 · Jerk with a Heart of Gold. A person you would expect to be a big Jerkass turns out to be the nicest person you've ever met, or at the very least has some redeeming qualities behind their tough demeanor. Occasionally, they'll actively try to make it a Hidden Heart of Gold.

  6. Muta from The Cat Returns is literally called a Jerk with a Heart of Gold at one point. He fits the build exactly. He has to be coaxed into helping others for selfish reasons, but for friends he's willing to fight an entire kingdom. Cells at Work!

  7. I'm writing a jerk-with-a-heart-of-gold character right now, and the key to her jerk behavior lies in two things: first, she deals with stress and fear by getting angry and sarcastic. The more fraught the situation, the more likely she is to snap at someone or make a completely inappropriate joke.

  8. Jerk with a Heart of Gold, also known as a Heroic Jerk, is a common type of heroes (or occasional anti-heroes) who very often behave in a very vulgar, rude and unpleasant fashion. While a jerk is mean at times if not almost always, they do not normally mean to cause serious harm to others...

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