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  1. May 26, 2024 · Innocent-sounding sweet autumn clematis (Clematis terniflora), traveler's joy (Clematis vitalba), and orange-peel clematis (Clematis orientalis) are three invasive weeds that are extending their reaches.

  2. Sweet autumn virginsbower prefers sun to partial shade and is found invading forest edges, rights of way, and urban green space especially near creeks. It is native to Japan and China and was introduced into the United States as an ornamental plant.

  3. Sep 11, 2023 · Also known as Sweet Autumn Virginsbower, this non-native invasive species was originally introduced as an ornamental but has since escaped cultivation. It is reported to be invasive in at least 10 states, including South Carolina.

  4. Clematis terniflora prefers sun to partial shade and is found invading forest edges, rights of ways and urban green space especially near creeks. It is native to Japan and China and was introduced into the United States as an ornamental plant.

    • Background
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    • New York Distribution Map

    Japanese virgin’s bower (Clematis terniflora DC, also called sweet autumn clematis) is an invasive ornamental vine in the Clematis genus. It is widely planted in gardens for its profusion of small, showy white flowers in late summer and equally showy silvery, corkscrew, feathery seedheads. Given support it can reach 30’ in height. Its prolific natu...

    Japanese virgin’s bower is native to Japan and China. It was brought to North America as an ornamental species. Leaves are opposite and compound, with three to five heart-shaped leaflets 2-3½” long; the surfaces are dark green and shiny, paler on the undersides. It climbs using tendril-like petioles to cling to support. Flowers are about 1” across,...

    Japanese virgin’s bower looks like many other Clematis genus species; the closest match is a native plant also commonly called virgin’s bower, Clematis virginiana. Flowers and seeds are similar between the two species, but leaves of C. virginiana are toothed and lobed as opposed to C. terniflora’s entire, ovate leaves. The other Clematis have large...

    Japanese virgin’s bower can survive a wide range of soil types and light availability, although it is most productive with shade on its roots and full sun on its foliage. It establishes in hedgerows, waste spaces, roadsides, stream banks and forest edges. It is a semi-woody perennial, producing foliage on new stems each year. In southern climates i...

    Cultural: The similar native virgin’s bower, Clematis virginiana, has many of the same ornamental characteristics as Japanese virgin’s bower and is less aggressive. They are so similar they are sometimes sold interchangeably at nurseries. Planting a native or noninvasive alternative will reduce the chances of this invasive damaging nearby natural a...

    This map shows confirmed observations (green points) submitted to the NYS Invasive Species Database. Absence of data does not necessarily mean absence of the species at that site, but that it has not been reported there. For more information, please visit iMapInvasives.

  5. Sweet autumn clematis is a vine that produces an abundance of small, fragrant white flowers in late summer and early autumn. It should be used with care as it is considered invasive in some locations. Also known as Clematis maximowicziana.

  6. Nov 11, 2010 · The much cultivated and highly popular ornamental Clematis vines with large, showy flowers in a wide variety of colors from white to rose to purple, typically with eight or more petals, have not been reported to be invasive.

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