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  1. Better Than Love Cake Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Pesto Cake
    Not your ordinary cake but Pesto Cake is an Italian delicasy. If you have never tried Pesto Cake you will fall in love! This cake is different than any other cake you have tried before. It is packed with flavor and healthy nutrients. This Pesto Cake recipe will not only surprise you with how delicious it is but how healthy it is as well. Let us know about your experience baking in the comments below. We are excited to read!
    Walnut Cake
    This is without a doubt the recipe in French Country Cooking that I’ve cooked most often this past year. We baked it for all the workshops, almost every day for the restau- rant, and, in between, for ourselves. When you look over the list of recipes in the book you might not think this was the showstopper; so many others jump out first, seemingly richer, more delicious. But there is more to this cake than meets the eye. First of all, it’s delicious but not too sweet, which is nice in and of itself, but it also means that Oddur has the excuse to serve a small glass of sweet wine, maybe an old Pineau from the Charentes, which goes incredibly well with the deep nutty flavor of the cake. Those who like whipped cream won’t be disappointed because I serve it with a generous dollop on the side. This cake may not generate too much excitement beforehand, but after you’ve had it you’ll fall in love. And that is the best sort of food love, not just a quick crush, but love that lasts. Reprinted with permission from French Country Cooking by Mimi Thorisson (Clarkson Potter 2016).
    Bird Cakes
    For our feathered friends who need our help in the winter! If possible use flexible molds or muffin pans lined with paper cups. If you don't have flexible molds, immerse the molds in hot water for several seconds before removing the cakes. They also make a nice gift for our human friends who like to look after the birds. It is nice to make this in one large mold and display the cake in your garden (in a safe place away from other animals!) Don't take notice of the yield because that will depend on the size of molds you use. You can also be somewhat flexible with the amounts given in the recipe, they will still turn out well and much better than any store bought cakes for the birds. They love them and my 'garden restauant' is always full of satisfied customers! If you have some netting to put them in you can hang them from a tree branch.
    Best Christmas Fruitcake
    Christmas fruitcake may get a bad rap, but this moist, rum-soaked cake full of dried fruits and pecans is sure to be a hit with your family and friends. There's no glowing, candied fruit in this cake, and this version is less dense and more cake-like than typical fruitcake recipes. For best results, let the fruitcake age for at least 10 weeks (or longer!) before serving, although some reviewers have eaten it right away and loved it. It's delicious by itself, or covered with a thin layer of almond paste.
    Best Pumpkin Cookies
    What can I say about these amazing pumpkin cookies... they are absolutely delicious! Let me put it this way. I baked these every year at Thanksgiving time for my job. My co-workers would come up to me two months in advance to make sure I was making them. One girl who resigned actually called me and asked what day I was bringing them in so that she could stop by - just for these cookies! Another co-worker said she didn't even like pumpkin, but she loved these. The consistency is more cake-like than cookie. The glaze on top of these cookies is fabulous! At least, I think so. I noticed a few of you who rated this recipe said it was too sweet. That is why I suggested it may be omitted, or if you wish, use your own icing. Lots of you have added nutmeg.. hey, make it all your own. That's what this is all about! : )
    Chocolate Cake, 1847
    Adapted from The Ladies Receipt Book by Eliza Leslie. This, friends, is the earliest-yet-found printed recipe for Chocolate Cake. “Wait, really?” you may be thinking… but it’s true! Older recipes that mention Chocolate and Cake were actually referring to cakes meant for serving with chocolate, usually of the hot and drinkable variety. Though cakes containing chocolate as an ingredient date back further—the Marquis de Sade mentions one in a 1779 letter sent to his wife from prison—we have found no written recipe until Eliza Leslies’ 1847 book, The Ladies Reciept Book. Eliza’s recipe calls for using grated chocolate or “prepared cocoa.” I love that both the Chocolate Cake and the Chocolate Chip Cookie evolved containing bits of the heavenly stuff, so grated chocolate it is. As with the Indian Meal Cake, Eliza used an entire nutmeg. In fact, you rarely see an early 19th-century recipe that does not call for nutmeg. They were crazy for the stuff. The highlight of this cake, for me at least, is the icing. The word icing evolved from this thick mixture of egg whites and sugar; for ages, bakers would pour it over a hot cake, then return it to the oven until it was dry and, well, ice-like in its smoothness. Eventually bakers stopped icing the hot cake, and, like in the recipe below, poured the mixture over the a cooled cake, then set it aside to dry for a few hours (hello Royal Icing). As an aside, Eliza calls for lemon oil, rose extract, or vanilla extract to flavor the icing. Until the early 19th century, vanilla was used as a perfume by those well-off rather than for cooking or baking purposes due to the high cost of production (second only to Saffron).
    Pirate Cake
    Your son has informed you recently that he wants to be a pirate when he grows up. So, to be there for him in his creative imaginative world and show him how much you love him, you have decided to make him a custom pirate cake for his birthday. This recipe for Pirate Cake is so rich and flavorful, it is well worth the effort of creating a cake from scratch. The best part of the cake, other than the delicious flavor, is the edible treasure map.
    German Chocolate Cake
    Great recipe! I get lots of compliments and it is a request at all the family loves it better than the pies
    Dulce de Leche Cake
    Excellent recipe!!!! My kids loves this cake very muchh. This cake is better also for for kids than others. Thanks alot!!! http://