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  1. Jul 13, 2017 · The team of researchers from MIT, Harvard and the National Bureau of Economic Research leveraged advances in computer vision and machine learning to examine how changes in neighborhood appearance correlated with perceptions of neighborhood safety over a seven-year period.

  2. What may not be so widely known, however, is that the relevance of physical appearance varies based on geography. According to a study published in Personal Relationships, The importance of attractiveness depends on the social environment where we live.

  3. Nov 28, 2022 · How much does where you live matter? People living in high-poverty areas tend to fare worse in education, earnings, health and criminal involvement than people who live in wealthier neighborhoods. But determining to what extent neighborhood conditions contribute to these outcomes has been difficult.

  4. Are features of neighborhoods really that important for health—or should we focus primarily on the individuals who live in them? For years, researchers have tried to understand the connection between high-poverty neighborhoods and poor health among the residents, but it is challenging to distinguish the health effects

  5. May 1, 2008 · Why does facial appearance matter? Why do particular faces create certain impressions? What cues drive our impressions of these faces? Here we describe how hypotheses derived from an ecological approach to social perception provide insights into social psychological face perception and the role of facial appearance in impression formation.

    • Leslie A. Zebrowitz, Joann M. Montepare
    • 2008
  6. Feb 10, 2016 · But how much does it matter? And exactly how much does the average person factor in looks when sizing up herself and the people around her, both positively and downright bitchily?

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  8. May 1, 2019 · In most cases, a research team ranks photographic images of people on a 1-5 scale, with 1 = strikingly unattractive or homely, 2 = below average appearance for age and sex, 3 = average appearance for age and sex, 4 = above average appearance for age and sex, and 5 = strikingly handsome or beautiful.

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