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    • 18 Signs You Are a Free Spirit - What Is A Free Spirit ...
      • You can give the best of yourself to a relationship while feeling complete without one. You don’t need to be in an intimate relationship to feel whole or happy. You don’t depend on others to feel loved or to feel that your life matters. › 09 › personality-types
    • Carefree. First and foremost, free spirits are carefree but also intentional. "They don't care about what others think of them and march to the beat of their own drum," Kaiser explains, adding, "They aren't motivated by external societal norms but an inner drive to live with meaning, joy, and fulfillment."
    • Intuitive. These folks are intuitive and guided by their own strong inner voice. Kaiser explains that they know themselves and what they stand for, living from their heart and trusting themselves and their intuition.
    • Independent. As you could imagine, free spirits are also usually very independent. While they have no problem getting along with others, they also need space and crave sanctuary, according to Kaiser.
    • Open. Richardson notes free spirits are naturally open people. They're always interested in learning or trying something new, "which can make them more open to new people, ideas, perspectives, etc.," she says.
  1. People also ask

    • You’Re Independent
    • You Travel When You Want to
    • You Have Your Own Hobbies and Interests
    • You Enjoy Your Own Company
    • You Love Yourself

    Being independent is something that a lot of us take for granted, as well as something that many find difficult. It’s hard to live your life without taking other people’s opinions and emotions into account. While it’s important to be compassionate, part of being a free spirit is making your own decisions and living your life how you choose. Free-sp...

    Travel is one of those things that pretty much everyone I know would list under the ‘hobbies and interests’ section of their CV. And yet, how many us of actually travel? I’ve been lucky enough, or simply worked hard enough and taken a leap of faith, to travel, and have loved every second of it. For me, travel is a priority, and it’s something that ...

    I love hearing about other people’s interests, whether it’s my Ma’s obsession with her chickens (she’s built them a new ladder?) or the guy I’m seeing’s passion for cooking. Especially if he makes me delicious food! I will happily spend time with my loved ones doing things that interest them. Like I said, compassion is important. Something may not ...

    Being alone is something that I used to hate. I never enjoyed alone-time with my thoughts, and I would always look for excuses to avoid it. For me, alone had the exact same definition as lonely. Fast forward a few years, and I live on my own. I still have a fully-functioning social life, friendship circle, and healthy relationships(well, healthyish...

    This kind of ties all of the above points together. Loving yourself means being comfortable in your own skin, pursuing things that make you happy, and letting go of those that no longer serve you. Part of being a free spirit means taking responsibility for your actions and setting yourself free from anything that is holding you back. Family and fri...

    • You’re an independent thinker. As an independent thinker, you’re not afraid to question conventional wisdom and explore alternative viewpoints. You value critical thinking and rely on your own judgment rather than blindly following the opinions of others.
    • You live life on your own terms. Living life on your own terms means prioritizing your passions, values, and desires. You make decisions based on what feels right for you, rather than conforming to societal expectations or seeking approval from others.
    • You reject the expectations of society. You challenge conventional ideas about success, relationships, and personal identity. Instead, you choose to define these aspects of your life in your own unique way which allows you to forge your path and embrace your individuality.
    • You’re open-minded. Being open-minded means you’re receptive to new ideas, experiences, and perspectives. You’re willing to listen and learn from others, even when their opinions differ from your own.
    • Free spirit people are highly independent. They are super confident. A free spirit has a wild heart. He likes tackling things his own way. A free spirited person will never wait for others to save him.
    • They like to have their own space. A free spirit is a wild child who can’t live without his space. Whether they are married or in a relationship, they would still love spending time alone.
    • They have their own sense of time. A free spirit person has their own sense of time. His friends get mad at him for not being punctual. But in reality, he tries to become punctual.
    • They are dreamers. A free spirit person likes to dream. You can catch him daydreaming offhand when he is at leisure. He loves to think out-of-the-box. A free spirit person is imaginative like children.
    • They value independence. Free-spirited people value autonomy more than anything else because being dependent on others often feels restraining. It’s not that we’re arrogant, but we like to navigate life on our own terms.
    • They are nonconformists. Being a non-conformist, in my mind, signifies you can think for yourself. You don’t blindly do what you’re told. And it’s not that free-spirited people are criminals who disrespect others, but more that we think about societal norms and reject the ones that don’t align with our values.
    • They are open-minded. Do you give new ideas a chance? Are you interested in learning about different things, even if they make you uncomfortable or nervous?
    • They are passionate. Free-spirited people are passionate – there are no two ways about it. Whether it’s about their hobbies or relationships, they pour 100% of themselves into the things they love.
  2. Sep 14, 2023 · A free spirit is one who is independent and uninhibited. They march to the beat of their own drum and don't always play by the rules. You often see children who are free-spirited — able to embrace life fully and be themselves without shame or embarrassment.

  3. Jul 12, 2018 · However, true free spirits are a mass of contradictions—extroverts who love their alone time, hopeless romantics who bounce from partner to partner, and people who, by all accounts, generally defy definition.

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