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  1. Mar 21, 2024 · But before anyone starts panicking, what does Mercury retrograde actually mean? And does it really impact us? Here, we're answering all your Mercury retrograde queries, from why it happens, to how to get through it, according to astrologers.

  2. Apr 1, 2024 · What is Mercury Retrograde. All planets save for the sun and moon appear at various times to reverse direction in the sky; in astronomy, this is referred to as 'apparent retrograde motion', but in astrological parlance, this term is shortened simply to 'retrograde.'.

  3. 'Mercury Retrograde' Meaning. First, the name is deceptive. The planet isn't reversing its orbit. Simply put, Mercury retrograde describes an optical illusion during which the planet only appears to be moving backward from our viewpoint on Earth.

  4. Jul 11, 2022 · A Mercury retrograde is like a shift in the tide or the wind that signals it’s time to slow down for a bit and re-center. The bad: The change Mercury brings can feel wild and unpredictable. You might feel more frustrated than usual or experience total brain fog.

  5. Mar 22, 2018 · Since Mercury is the fastest planet in our solar system, it enters apparent retrograde motion between three and four times a year, for about three weeks at a time.

  6. Feb 3, 2022 · What does Mercury retrograde actually mean? Here’s what you can expect Mercury rules communication, so you can expect some breakdowns whenever it stations retrograde.

  7. Dec 9, 2023 · But what does “Mercury in retrograde” really mean? Does it affect certain signs more than others? Is it really all bad, or is there a chance that this transit is misunderstood?

  8. Dec 13, 2023 · What Does Mercury Retrograde Mean in Astrology? How Long Does Mercury Retrograde Last? How Mercury Retrograde Will Affect Every Zodiac Sign 2024; What Happens When Mercury is Retrograde?

  9. Jan 11, 2021 · Mercury retrograde is an optical illusion where the planet Mercury looks as if it’s moving backward from our view on Earth. The illusion occurs multiple times a year because it takes just 88...

  10. Oct 30, 2023 · Astrologically speaking, the retrograde of Mercury is a powerful alchemical process of the mind. So, when we begin working with this process by observing, reviewing, rethinking, and shifting our perspective, we can truly see this magic at play. How Does Mercury Retrograde Behave in Fire Signs?

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