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  1. Oct 3, 2023 · Scream 3's Ghostface Identity Reveal Explained. When Ghostface pulls off his mask near the end of Scream 3, the culprit turns out to be Roman Bridger (Scott Foley). Roman was the director of Stab 3 and the only Ghostface of the entire horror film series to act alone.

    • Senior Writer
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    Ghostface is the main antagonist of the Scream film series. His identity is voiced by Roger L. Jackson in all appearances.

    Ghostface was named after a vinyl Halloween mask. It was sold as a Father Death costume in real-life. The mask was inspired by the Edvard Munch painting, The Scream.

    Scream (1996 film)

    High school student Casey Becker received a series of phone calls from a flirting stranger while she prepared a movie night with her boyfriend, Steven Orth. She realized her caller could see her, and that he had already beaten and tied Steve to a lawn chair outside her home. The caller forced her to answer horror movie trivia, and then gutted Steve when she answered a question wrong. Casey made a run for her life, but Ghostface caught her. He gutted her and strung her up to a large tree for her parents to find. The next day, with the town of Woodsboro, CA reeling from the double homicide, Ghostface called Sidney Prescott at her home. Ghostface taunted her before attacking. She told him off, but discovered her boyfriend, Billy Loomis, nearby. Billy was brought into custody, but Sidney received another call from the killer. He informed her that she "fingered the wrong man...again," implying that he was responsible for her mother's murder a year previously. Woodsboro High school was temporarily shut down for the students' protection after Sidney was attacked by Ghostface in the school bathroom. With hardly anyone around, Principal Himbry was murdered in his office after school let out. He was later strung up to the flagpole as a diversion to get many students to leave Stu Macher's party, where Ghostface struck again. Sidney's best friend, Tatum Riley, was murdered in the garage. Next, Ghostface seemingly murdered Billy Loomis in the upstairs. Ghostface stalked Sidney outside, where he slashed the throat of Kenny Brown. Ghostface stabbed Dewey Riley and continued chasing Sidney outside. Eventually Sidney made her way back inside the house, where she learned Ghostface was really Billy Loomis and Stu Macher. With the help of Gale Weathers, she saved her father and killed both Billy and Stu.

    Scream 2

    Ghostface struck at a premiere showing of Stab (1998), the slasher movie based on the Woodsboro Murders. He stalked Windsor College students Phil Stevens and Maureen Evans outside the theater before murdering Phil in the restroom. He put on Phil's leather jacket and joined Maureen inside the theater, posing as her boyfriend. Ghostface stabbed Maureen to death in plain sight of the entire audience. The next night, Ghostface called Cici Cooper at her sorority house. He taunted Cici before chasing her upstairs and throwing her off the roof to her death. This drew the attention of police and local partiers, leaving Sidney alone. Ghostface called and attacked her, but Derek Feldman interfered; Ghostface escaped after slicing his arm. The next day, Ghostface scared Sidney at her play rehearsal before calling Randy, Dewey, and Gale in the campus center. Randy stalled the killer on the phone while Dewey and Gale tried to track him down, but Ghostface pulled Randy into Gale's news van and murdered him. Shortly thereafter, Sidney received an instant message from Ghostface at the school library stating: "You're going to die tonight." That night, Ghostface surprised Gale and Dewey in Windsor's film department with footage of the first three victims. The two ran, but Ghostface chased them down and stabbed Dewey viciously. Simultaneously, a second Ghostface killed Sidney's police escorts while stopped at a red light on the way to a safe house. He tried to kidnap Sidney and Hallie, who were trapped in the backseat, but he lost control of the car when Officer Richards died stopping him. Ghostface was knocked unconscious in the crash, which allowed Sidney and Hallie to escape. He came to and murdered Hallie, then chased Sidney to the theater. Inside the theater, Ghostface revealed himself to be Mickey, and then shot Derek. "Debbie Salt" brought Gale in at gunpoint, and Sidney recognized her as Billy's mother, Nancy Loomis. Sidney made use of the theater's set and she and Gale killed Mickey and Mrs. Loomis with the help of Cotton Weary.

    Scream 3

    A woman claiming to be from the Stab 3: Return to Woodsboro production called the Woodsboro Police Department looking for information on Sidney. They refused to give her any and a month later there was a mysterious break-in. This would prove to be the work of Roman Bridger with his multi-voice changer. He didn't get Sidney's file because Dewey removed it to keep her safe. Ghostface next tried to get Sidney's whereabouts from Cotton Weary. Ghostface called Cotton and threatened to kill his girlfriend, Christine Hamilton, if he didn't talk. Cotton refused, so Ghostface attacked Christine. He used his multi-voice changer to impersonate Cotton to confuse her. When the real Cotton showed up to protect Christine, she beat him over the head with a golf club. With her back turned, Ghostface stabbed her to death. Cotton tried fighting Ghostface off, but the killer stabbed him to death as well. Ghostface left a mysterious photograph of a young Maureen Prescott at the murder site. Sidney dreamed that her dead mother came to her from outside. Maureen turned into Ghostface as Sidney approached the window. This startled her into waking up. Actress Sarah Darling was soon lured to the empty Stab 3 production offices for a rehearsal with Roman Bridger. Ghostface appeared and chased her through the offices until he finally knocked her through a glass window and stabbed her in the back. He left another photo of Maureen with Sarah's body. Ghostface called Sidney at her secret home using Maureen's voice at first. He switched to the sinister baritone and threatened her life. That night at an informal wrap party at Jennifer Jolie's house, Ghostface struck again. He called Jennifer's bodyguard, Steven Stone, as Dewey, and then stabbed him to death. When the others found Stone's body, Ghostface cut the lights. He faxed fake script pages, tricking Tom Prinze into using a lighter to read. It ignited the gas Ghostface filled in the house and blew Tom up. Ghostface attacked Gale outside, but Dewey shot him. The killer fled but left behind a third picture of Maureen Prescott. This photo included the message: I killed her. Sidney came to Hollywood the next day to join Dewey and Gale since her location was compromised. Ghostface attacked her on the Stab 3 set and used a body bag to remind Sidney of Maureen. Sidney fought him off and the killer escaped. That night, Ghostface crashed Roman Bridger's birthday party at John Milton's mansion. He seemingly killed Roman, and stabbed Angelina Tyler to death. He fought the others, murdering Tyson Fox and then Jennifer Jolie before subduing Gale and Dewey. He called Sidney and told her he'd kill Dewey and Gale if she didn't come to Milton's mansion. Sidney arrived at the mansion, and the killer made her pass a metal detector over her body, then discard her gun. He confronted her with the bound John Milton and revealed he was Roman Bridger, still alive, and confessed he was her half-brother. Roman filled her in on the missing pieces of Maureen's life and murdered Milton. He and Sidney fought to the death, and Sidney prevailed with the help of Dewey and Gale and Mark Kincaid.

    Scream (1996 film)

    •Billy Loomis: Maureen Prescott had an affair with Hank Loomis, which prompted Hank and Billy's mother to divorce. Billy killed her out of anger. A year later, Billy and Stu started a murder spree in Woodsboro, planning on copying their favorite movies and becoming heroes when they survived. Their plan was to frame Maureen's husband, Neil Prescott, and culminate in killing Sidney. It was then revealed two movies later, that Roman mentored Billy to kill Maureen and eventually kill Sidney since Roman made it sound like Maureen was the cause of Billy's parent's divorce. •Stu Macher: Stu was a horror movie fanatic who followed his best friend, Billy Loomis, around. Submitting to peer pressure from Billy (and possibly being in some sort of secret relationship), Stu helped murder Maureen Prescott. A year later, they committed a murder spree in their hometown, planning on recreating their beloved horror movies and becoming heroes for surviving the bloodbath. Their first targets were Stu's ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend (Casey Becker and Steve Orth). They also killed Stu's current girlfriend, Tatum. They eventually went on to kill multiple people however, he came to his death when he chased Sidney and bit his hand, which gave her time to drop a TV over his head, electrocuting and killing him almost instantly.

    Scream 2

    •Mickey Altieri: A psychopathic film geek, Mickey wanted to create a sequel and be the star of a trial-of-the-century type media circus. Mrs. Loomis found him online on a murdering kind of website and paid for his tuition at Windsor College, where he worked himself into Sidney's close circle of friends to make it look like he wasn't the Killer when the murders first started, however, Mickey actually planned on not getting away with the murder spree, wishing to be the center of the following media circus and debate on movie-making ethics. It's possible he wanted revenge for something, as that most of the Ghostface killers have another motive, however it was never revealed. •Nancy Loomis: Billy's mother orchestrated the Windsor College murder spree out of vengeance for Billy's death. She also channeled her hatred for Maureen Prescott, who slept with her husband, onto Sidney. Mrs. Loomis found Mickey Altieri online and paid for his college tuition, giving him her motherly help and guidance. Secretly, she set Mickey up to take the fall for the entire copycat killing spree, planning on murdering him after she achieved her revenge. Even if anyone suspected there was a second killer, the persona she created of "Debbie Salt" couldn't be traced back to her. Sidney originally thought Gale was the killer, when Mickey told the second killer to reveal herself however, she used Gale as a hostage and Sidney noticed it was Billy's mother.

    Scream 3

    •Roman Bridger: A director, Roman tracked down his birth mother (Maureen Prescott), who shunned him and told him that she already had a family. Roman, the offspring of a vicious rape, was not wanted. Roman mentored Billy Loomis to kill Maureen and was enraged by the fame gushed upon his half-sister, Sidney Prescott. He planned on framing Sidney for a murder spree and walking away as the new hero. However, he came face to face with his sister and exposed himself to her. Saying that Maureen didn't want him, and she had a whole new life, with another child.

    "No, you listen you little bitch! Hang up on me and I'll gut you like a fish, understand? Can you handle that... Blondie?" — To Casey Becker in Scream (1996)

    "You should never say 'who’s there?' Don’t you watch scary movies? It’s a death wish. You might as well come out to investigate a strange noise or something'' — Still to

    "What's your favorite scary movie?"

    "I guess you've fingered the wrong guy... AGAIN!" — To Sidney Prescott for accusing

    "SURPRISE, SIDNEY!" - To Sidney after the reveal in Scream (1996)

    "You wish it was Ted! Don't forget to set the alarm!!" — To Cici Cooper in Scream 2.

    There is much debate and speculation about which killer is Ghostface during the series. Some instances are obvious while others can be argued endlessly. It is believed Kevin Williamson revealed who he intended to wear the costume in comments made through the years concerning the first Scream. If any can be verified, please link to source.

    •Sidney Prescott

    •Mortal Enemy

    •Girlfriend •Friend •Half-sister •Cousin •Gale Weathers

    •Mortal Enemy

    •Frequent Target

    •Dewey Riley

    The comedy parody films Scary Movie and Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth depict killers based on the Ghostface character.

    In the climax of Scary Movie, the killer was revealed to be both Bobby Prinze and Ray Wilkins. However, it turns out they were copycat killers of a serial killer that already existed. The real killer was Doofy Gilmore, a policeman who had been faking mental retardation.

    In Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth, the killer's mask is not originally that of Ghostface, but begins as a hockey mask which resembles the one worn by Jason Voorhees in the Friday the 13th series. After being set on fire when the killer tried to smoke a cigarette, it melted to resemble Ghostface. In this film, unlike the "Scream" version of Ghostface, he constantly fails to kill anyone important; the various kills are accidental, or people in the background with almost no part in the plot. In the climax of the film, the killer turns out to be Doughy's long lost twin cousin. He is accidentally shot by Hagatha, who was using a gun as a mirror to touch up her make-up. He later attempts to escape, after waking up in a mockery of the usual horror shock endings, only to be shot many times by Doughy and beaten up by a mob of cops who mistake him for being black. He still survives, and as revealed in a where-are-they-now segment, he apparently settled down. At the end of the film, it turns out that another person has taken up the guise of Ghostface, and apparently has better skills, attacking his victims with ninja-like tactics.

    In an episode of Celebrity Deathmatch, Ghostface calls fighters saying that he will kill a scream queen every round, he ends up murdering Drew Barrymore (Scream), Jamie Lee Curtis (Halloween), and Jennifer Love Hewitt (I Know What You Did Last Summer). Later a cell phone that belongs to him is planted on a platypus and Neve Campbell and Sarah Michelle Gellar manage to defeat it, believing it to be the killer. At the end of the show he makes a phone call to Nick Diamond.

    Roger L. Jackson reprises his role of Ghostface in the Robot Chicken episode "That Hurts Me" as one of the movie killer contestants in a show that parodies Big Brother. He portrays the token black character so often seen in reality shows. He launches a prank war on Pinhead, purposefully shrinks Freddy Krueger's sweater in the wash, and when given a free cell phone call, he calls Drew Barrymore to threaten her and complain that the Charlie's Angels sequel sucked. When both he and Michael Myers were set to be eliminated, Ghostface gave a heartfelt speech about how he'd cherished his time on the show and wouldn't hold any grudges over being eliminated, which saved him from elimination, as opposed to Michael, who simply stabbed Freddy repeatedly as a response, which didn't even make Freddy bleed, but instead merely annoyed him.

    Ghostface has also made a cameo in Tripping the Rift, as the judge in the episode when Chode sells his soul to the devil and finds a way to sue him.

    In his book Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film, Adam Rockoff opined that Ghostface's mask was a "striking, surreal and downright terrifying presence". Calling the mask a "hyperbolic rendering" of Edvard Munch's The Scream, Rockoff wrote that the 'face' is "twisted in an exaggerated, almost mocking grin, as if reflecting the look of terror and surprise on his victims' faces."

    Tony Magistrale also discussed the similarities between Ghostface's mask and The Scream in his book Abject Terrors: Surveying the Modern and Postmodern Horror Film, stating that the painting "an apt representation of the degree of alienation from other people inspires the killers' murderous agenda". The mask of Ghostface is widely renowned for it's major appearance on Halloween night. It has been the most common costume on Halloween since the launch of it. There are many variations such as a mask where it can produce fake blood. Also, in the 2010 Halloween, there were new costumes of Ghostface. One that was a scarecrow, and the other, having the regular robe, but with a zombie mask.

  2. Mar 13, 2023 · Roman Bridger is the only killer revealed as Ghostface in Scream 3, the third installment of the horror franchise. He is Sidney Prescott's older half-brother, born of their mother Maureen and her affair with Hank. He seeks revenge against Sidney for her success and fame.

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  3. › wiki › Scream_3Scream 3 - Wikipedia

    Cotton rushes home, only for Ghostface to kill Christine, then Cotton. Detective Mark Kincaid contacts Gale Weathers to discuss the recent murders, prompting her to travel to Hollywood, where she finds Dewey Riley working as an adviser on the set of Stab 3, the third film in the series based on the Ghostface murders.

  4. Mar 16, 2023 · "Scream 6" adds a vicious new version of Ghostface to the long-running franchise. Here is every killer in the series so far.

    • Eammon Jacobs
  5. Feb 4, 2000 · Scream 3: Directed by Wes Craven. With Liev Schreiber, Beth Toussaint, Roger Jackson, Kelly Rutherford. While Sidney and her friends visit the Hollywood set of Stab 3, the third film based on the Woodsboro murders, another Ghostface killer rises to terrorize them.

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  7. Roman Bridger (born Roberts) is the main antagonist of the original Scream trilogy serving as the overarching antagonist of Scream (1996) and main antagonist of Scream 3 (2000) and the fifth revealed Ghostface killer overall.

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