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  1. Sexual health education provides students with the knowledge and skills to help them be healthy and avoid human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), sexually transmitted diseases (STD), and unintended pregnancy.

  2. Oct 1, 2020 · As of October 1, 2020: Thirty states and the District of Columbia require public schools teach sex education, 28 of which mandate both sex education and HIV education. Thirty-nine states and the District of Columbia require students receive instruction about HIV.

  3. Parents support sex education covering a wide range of topics in age-appropriate ways from elementary through high school, including self-esteem, healthy relationships and peer pressure, how to stay safe online including how to deal with pornography, anti-bullying, and consent and setting boundaries.

  4. Oct 16, 2021 · School-based sex education in the U.S. is at a crossroads. The United Nations defines sex education as a curriculum-based process of teaching and learning about the cognitive, emotional, physical, and social aspects of sexuality [1].

  5. Jul 30, 2022 · But comprehensive sex ed goes beyond that. It teaches students about healthy relationships, how to communicate consent, how to respect yourself and other people and how to identify dangerous ...

  6. Sep 16, 2020 · Comprehensive sex education teaches that not having sex is the best way to avoid STIs and unintended pregnancies, but it also includes medically accurate information about STI prevention, reproductive health, as well as discussions about healthy relationships, consent, gender identity, LGBTQ issues and more.

  7. Sex education is high quality teaching and learning about a broad variety of topics related to sex and sexuality. It explores values and beliefs about those topics and helps people gain the skills that are needed to navigate relationships with self, partners, and community, and manage one’s own sexual health.

  8. May 18, 2023 · Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) gives young people accurate, age-appropriate information about sexuality and their sexual and reproductive health, which is critical for their health and survival.

  9. Nov 28, 2018 · Giving students a foundation in relationship-building can enhance wellbeing and pave the way for healthy intimacy in the future, experts say. It can also prevent or counter gender stereotyping, and it could minimize instances of sexual harassment and assault in middle and high school.

  10. Nov 16, 2023 · Sexuality education leads to learners delaying the age of sexual initiation, increasing the use of condoms and other contraceptives when they are sexually active, increasing their knowledge about their bodies and relationships, decreasing their risk-taking, and decreasing the frequency of unprotected sex.

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