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  1. The Arian controversy was a series of Christian disputes about the nature of Christ that began with a dispute between Arius and Athanasius of Alexandria, two Christian theologians from Alexandria, Egypt.

  2. The early Arians are best seen as biblical exegetes concerned with preserving their view of the creaturely nature of the Christ of the Gospels—a Christ who struggled, suffered, died on a cross—as the prototypical obedient servant of God and as the instrument of God in creating and redeeming the universe.

  3. Christianity in its Arian form became somewhat unique, distinct even from previous Greco-Roman Arianism. The new kingdoms also became religiously-layered, with the Germanic aristocracy being Arian while the majority Roman population was mostly Catholic (with a minority of Arians among them).

  4. Oct 5, 2023 · This chapter reframes the early Arian controversy in the context of the legacy of the Great Persecution and contemporary conflicts on visuality, divinity, and image. Arius’ controversial apophatic theology and his definition of the changeability of the Son reflect traditional anti-idolatry themes.

  5. Arianism was the first form of Christianity to make major inroads with the Germanic tribes, and many of the "barbarians" who conquered Rome were actually Arian Christians.

  6. The Arian Germanic peoples all eventually converted to Nicene Christianity, which had become the dominant form of Christianity within the Roman Empire; the last to convert were the Visigoths in Spain under their king Reccared in 587.

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  8. The Arian Christ, Athanasius insisted, was not a Savior. No creature possessed the ability or prerogative to save from sin. Salvation was the prerogative, privilege, and potential act of God...

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