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  1. Make an appointment for services available at MOM Services Centre (MOMSC) or Employment Pass Services Centre (EPSC). You can also view, change or cancel your appointment.

  2. Make a plan for the appointment. Before the appointment, you and your parent should discuss the questions or concerns you want to address with the doctor. You may also want to collect input from other family members or in-home caregivers, if applicable.

  3. Since early detection and treatment of serious illnesses can improve overall outcomes, encourage your mom to schedule regular visits with her healthcare provider every year. Here are five gentle reminders when a parent refuses to go to healthcare visits. 1. Emphasize prevention and screening.

  4. My mom has been in healthcare for 35+ years and I can tell would be very interested in all of my appointments, based on how she has acted with my sister in law's three pregnancies. I know she wants to just be the best grandma most likely, but I'm keeping her on an info diet.

  5. You can try calling up your doctor early and asking him to ask that your mum leave the room during the appointment? You can always explain later to the doctor why you had to ask, and they can't say anything because of confidentiality.

  6. A A. Q: My mother wants all my time and attention. How do I handle it and still have my own life? A: That is so frustrating, but it's really about boundaries. Start setting reasonable but strict limits of when you can be available and when you can't--and don't allow yourself to be manipulated.

  7. You have been given good advice by the people responding to you here. Please take it. Conversion therapy is a form of torture and your mother wants to subject you to it. She’s sicker than anything with which you are dealing. Trans is not a mental illness.

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