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    • The Thirty Years' War

      • The Peace of Westphalia, a pair of treaties that ended the Thirty Years' War in 1648, restored the provisions of the Religious Peace with two important modifications: the Reformed (Calvinist) confession was included as a third licit religion; and princes could no longer force dissenting subjects to emigrate.
  1. Maastricht Treaty (1992) - Led to the creation of the European Union. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The Peace of Augsburg (1555), The Peace of Westphalia (1648), The Peace of Utrecht (1714) and more.

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  3. The Peace of Augsburg ended the fighting in Europe between the Holy Roman Empire (Charles V) and the Protestant Princes in Germany. It established the fact that the princes could choose their religion in their territories.

  4. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Peace of Augsburg (1555), Council of Trent (1545-1563), Edict of Nantes (1598) and more.

    • What Conflict Did The Peace of Augsburg End?
    • How Do You Define The Peace of Augsburg?
    • Did The Peace of Augsburg End Religious Tensions?
    • What Was The Source of The Continuing Tension Between Catholics and Protestants?
    • What Did The Peace of Augsburg Accomplish?
    • Was The Peace of Augsburg Successful?

    The Holy Roman Empire was a fragmented collection of largely independent states of various sizes. The Holy Roman Emperor, a member of the House of Hapsburg, directly ruled some of the lands, but he was only a ‘nominal head of state in the rest of the Empire.’The Hapsburg’s hereditary rulers of Austria, were elected Emperor by the major states in th...

    The Peace of Augsburg, also called the Augsburg Settlement, was signed in September 1555 by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and the Schmalkaldic League signed on 25 September 1555 at the imperial city Augsburg. It officially ended the religious war. It attempted to establish a religious settlement in the sprawling German lands. The principle of cuiu...

    The Peace of Augsburg created a temporary end to hostilities; it did not resolve the underlying religious tension in Germany and central Europe. There were continued tensions between Catholics and Protestants. Despite the agreement that those who did not share the religion of the prince or ruler should conform or leave the realm, in the treaty, man...

    In the Holy Roman Empire, there were very many ecclesiastical principalities. They ranged in size from a small town to large territories, often containing significant urban centers such as Cologne. The Treaty, after protracted negotiations, had to deal with the issue of ecclesiastics who converted to Lutheranism. The Catholic side was concerned tha...

    The Peace of Augsburg led to the partition of Germany into two separate confessional blocs, one Catholic and the other Protestant, even though they all inhabited the Holy Roman Empire. It sought to establish a balance of power between them to ensure peace in the Empire. The settlement did succeed in establishing a balance of power in Germany. Still...

    The Peace of Augsburg was intended to give Germany a lasting peace that would prevent future religious wars. The settlement was successful because it did prevent a general religious war in Germany and Central Europe until 1618. However, Augsburg's settlement in 1555 was fundamentally unstable, and its eventual failure was almost guaranteed. Those w...

  5. May 14, 2018 · Augsburg, Peace of (1555) Agreement, reached by the Diet of the Holy Roman Empire in Augsburg, ending the conflict between Roman Catholics and Lutherans in Germany. It established the right of each Prince to decide on the nature of religions practice in his lands, cuius regio, cuius religio.

  6. In 1693 – 1694 France suffered twin harvest failures accompanied by famine and disease, which killed upwards of 10 percent of the population. Tax revenues collapsed, much of the army went unpaid and unfed, and lingering hopes that Louis might be able to gain decisive victory evaporated.

  7. The Religious Peace, which aimed to neutralize the danger of war that arose from the schism, governed official relations between the Catholic and Protestant imperial Estates until the opening of the Thirty Years' War in 1618.

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