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    Feb 28, 2002 · At the Andrea Yates trial, emotional testimony after days of tedious details. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think that there's a point at which the jury's heard too much...

  2. Feb 18, 2002 · Andrea Pia Yates is given, when she leaves, an injection called, for want of a better phrase, a drug cocktail. It includes Haladol, the anti-psychotic, and Ativan, the same Ativan that Dr....

  3. Mar 12, 2002 · LEON HARRIS, CNN ANCHOR: We are going to be stepping away from this conversation President Bush is having with the volunteers in Philadelphia and take you to courtroom in Houston, Texas, where the...

  4. First up for discussion, Andrea Yates. The jury took less than an hour to come back with a sentence for the woman who drowned her children in a bathtub. Right now, we're going to turn to Ed...

  5. Jul 27, 2006 · GRACE: Andrea Yates, giving a full confession to the drowning deaths of each of her five children, systematically holding them under water until they struggled no more. To Sheila in Alabama. Hi...

  6. THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. DARYN KAGAN, CNN ANCHOR: Defense attorneys for Andrea Yates make a final plea for mercy today.

  7. › TRANSCRIPTS › - Transcripts

    DONNA KELLEY, CNN ANCHOR: In a Houston courtroom, a lawyer for Andrea Yates claimed that she was insane at the time she allegedly drowned her children, one by one, in the family bathtub.

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