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  1. Mar 15, 2019 · Augite is a mineral of interest to geologists, and collectors. While it has little to no industrial value, the presence and development of augite may help tell scientists and geologists about Earth’s history in certain regions.

    • Distinct/Good Good on {110}
    • Greenish gray, light to dark brown
    • Vitreous
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  3. Augite is a rock-forming mineral that commonly occurs in mafic and intermediate igneous rocks such as basalt, gabbro, andesite, and diorite. It is found in these rocks throughout the world, wherever they occur. Augite is also found in ultramafic rocks and in some metamorphic rocks that form under high temperatures.

    • A single chain inosilicate
    • Dark green, black, brown
  4. · wiki · AugiteAugite - Wikipedia

    Augite, also known as Augurite, is a common rock-forming pyroxene mineral with formula (Ca,Na) (Mg,Fe,Al,Ti) (Si,Al)2O6. The crystals are monoclinic and prismatic. Augite has two prominent cleavages, meeting at angles near 90 degrees.

  5. Augite is an important rock-forming mineral, and large crystals are fairly common. It is the most widespread member of the pyroxene group, and it frequently alters to many other minerals, including Hornblende, Chlorite, and Epidote. When altered to Actinolite, it is often called Uralite.

  6. Korea-Augite: Distinguised by its optical properties, from an Alkali-trachyte in Korea. Soda-Augite: Intermediate between Augite and Aegirine-Augite, unsure how this differs from the latter. Titanium-bearing Augite: A Ti-rich variety of augite, usually notably pink in thin section.

  7. Augite, the most common pyroxene mineral (a silicate of calcium, magnesium, iron, titanium, and aluminum). It occurs chiefly as thick, tabular crystals in basalts, gabbros, andesites, and various other dark-coloured igneous rocks. It also is a common constituent of lunar basalts and meteorites rich.

  8. Augite has several uses in industry and manufacturing. Its hardness and durability make it useful as an abrasive material, used in sandpaper and grinding wheels. It is also used in the production of ceramics, as a fluxing agent in the melting process.

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