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  1. Tiger · 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2033

    • Today's chinese horoscope for Tiger

      If others have accused you of being quirky, you may want to keep this in mind. Certain people might not appreciate your unique personality, especially at work. Don't take it personally.

    • This week's Chinese horoscope for Tiger

      This week, you are recognized. Monday, September 2, is the Yin earth Snake day. It is also the new moon. Tiger, your home environment is providing you with messages from the Universe. Persistent clutter could indicate that you are too busy, overwhelmed, or unsettled. Ants walking across your counter indicate that more work is coming. The ...

    • This month's Chinese horoscope for Tiger

      The month of September brings Tiger natives the I Ching hexagram of heaven under mountain (26).  You have the energy of galloping wild horses. It’s important now to grab the reins. This month, you need to effectively control and manage the important aspects of your life. You can make great progress when you have a plan and lead with convi...
