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  1. Can You Add Agave Nectar To A Margarita Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Salty Watermelon
    I grew up in North Carolina, where it was hot, hot, hot. To cool ourselves down, my family and I would always go to the market to get fresh watermelons chilled on ice. Every picnic and cookout started and ended with cold slices of watermelon. They helped keep the heat low and our palates satisfied. We’d also add a little bit of salt to the watermelons to bring out their delectable flavors. These are the memories flooding me during this sweltering week of peak summer. In addition to rimming the glass with salt, I blended salt into the recipe. To make this drink, just grab a fresh and ripe watermelon from the market, puree the melon in the blender and strain out the juice. You can also try this recipe with honeydew and cantaloupe to make an array of fun melon margaritas. Enjoy the gentle sweetness of the summer melons with the slightest tang of salt. Here’s to summer in your hometown!
    Tipsy Fruit
    While this fruit salad won't get you tipsy, it is so delicious you might not stop eating it! Variety of fruit in a light margarita-inspired dressing. Will keep chilled for a couple of days. Mango or jicama can be added if you don't feel stuck to the original recipe.