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  1. Can You Freeze A Veggie Burger Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Amazing Veggie Burgers
    A tasty black bean burger with onion, BBQ sauce and cheddar cheese. These great-tasting burgers don’t demand a mind-numbing list of unusual ingredients. You can easily double the recipe and freeze some for another night. From Today's Parent Magazine.
    Best Ever Veggie Burgers
    After trying many different recipes for a healthier, non-soy veggie burger, I came up with this. It's really versatile and you can use any combination of nuts and beans. After the baking step, you can brown in a frying pan, throw on the grill to brown, or freeze to use later.
    Kids Veggie Burgers
    This recipe is great for helping your children get some of the 5 a day veg required-to add to the fun,you can be brave and let them help making them,this does seem to encourage them to eat some,and is a great holiday rainy day fun time to introduce children to cooking, These "burgers freeze well (I use a well washed empty ice cream tub) and can be re-cooked from frozen.