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  1. What does the church of Christ teach about Women's Roles? We have provided all the sermons, studies and Bible lessons that we have available on the topic of Women in the church of Christ. These lessons have been recorded and published here for the good of all.

  2. There are just a few limitations placed upon women compared to the large number of works in which she can be involved. Each and every congregation of God’s people would find it very difficult to function effectively without the input of the women. Their work is extremely valuable and important.

  3. 1. Men and womens clothing must be distinct - Deut 22:5. 2. Men and women’s hairstyles are to be distinctive - I Cor 11:14-15. 3. Though this often a point of controversy, Paul does indicate a difference in the approach to worship - I Cor. 11:4-5. 4. In the Old Law, there were many difference made between men and women.

  4. Women as servants. A. Dorcas aided the poor by making coats - Acts 9:36-39. B. The woman preparing Jesus - Matt 26:7-13. C. Phoebe - Rom 16:1-2.

  5. 1. Women are to teach children, especially their own ( 2 Timothy 1:5; 3:15 ). 2. Older women are to teach younger women ( Titus 2:3-5 ). 3. Women may teach with their husbands in private settings ( Acts 18:26 ).

  6. Nov 6, 2013 · Leaders bring out the full potential of the church and its members. When people with talents are used they grow and develop (Matthew 25). Leaders learn to see ability in others, as parents and coaches do.

  7. What does the church of Christ teach about Women? What does the Bible say about Women? Woman. Introduction: We will look at three words in the Old Testament describing women in order to deepen our understanding of God’s view of women. I. Woman – Eve. Woman was taken out of man, a part of man, out of his side. There is a sense of oneness.

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