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  1. Cold Antipasto Platter Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Cheese and Herb Damper
    Good Aussie Tucker Mate! I use this recipe all the time and it always comes up trumps! Damper is so versatile it is so nice served spread with butter on a cold night to serve with a bowl of steaming hot soup, or with casseroles or with salads in summer. It is great served with antipasto or dips on a platter or even great to take on picnics, to serve with anything you like. For something delcious try whipping up a batch of Recipe#283917 this butter goes so well with this damper and is so delicious.
    Roasted Vegetables Antipasto Plate
    Bon Appetit
    This antipasto platter goes way past jarred peppers and cold cuts, with roasted vegetables that change with the seasons. Even at room temp, these options round out any meat and cheese platter. This recipe is from Palizzi Social Club in Philadelphia, PA.
    Angelina's Caponatina
    My mother absolutely loved this caponatina (or caponata - I believe the distinction is in how finely you chop the components), Although she became disabled, she would patiently wait for eggplants to go on sale, buy up a bunch, and invite me over to prepare this recipe. We would freeze it in small containers to have throughout the year as a treat, or to bring to a friend's house at a moment's notice. Although this is generally served as an appetizer, you can be pretty creative with it. Serve it in an omelet or over some pasta. You can also add it to your antipasto platter. I just like to scoop it up with some water crackers, as a snack. I have actually made a meal out of doing that, though, because once I start, I can't stop. It is generally served cold, although room temperature is fine too.