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      • Spiritual gifts are special abilities, talents, or capacities given to individual Christians by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of serving God and others within the Christian community. These gifts are not natural talents or skills but supernatural endowments provided by God's grace. › wiki › christian-life
    • Word of Wisdom. The word of wisdom and the word of knowledge are closely related; but just as they are listed separately in Scripture, they should be understood separately.
    • Word of Knowledge. The word of knowledge is slightly more practical in nature, and typically refers to the right knowledge and interpretation of Scripture, or of doctrinal issues.
    • Gift of Faith. Faith is a major topic of Scripture and is critical to the life of the believer. We can only be saved from the power of sin by faith in the sacrifice of Jesus, and we can only withstand temptation through our faith in God’s power and ability to deliver us from it.
    • Gift of Healing. Healing can be indirectly linked to faith, as it refers to supernatural healing that defies known medical science. In other words, it is miraculous healing that relies on the power of the Holy Spirit instead of we would understand as typical modes of healing.
  1. People also ask

    • The Gift of Apostleship
    • The Gift of Prophecy
    • The Gift of Miracles
    • The Gift of Speaking in Tongues
    • The Gift of Interpreting Tongues
    • The Gift of Discerning Spirits

    It seems evident from the Scriptures that the gift of apostleship was limited to the first-century church. Apostles were distinguished from prophets and teachers in 1 Corinthians 12:28. During the apostolic period they had unusual authority and were the channels of divine revelation. Often they had the gift of prophecy as well as that of working mi...

    The gift of prophecy, though claimed by a few, has also been recognized as having only passing validity. In the early church before the New Testament was completed, authoritative revelation was needed from God not only concerning the present, with the prophet being a forthteller but also concerning the future, with the prophet serving as a foretell...

    The gift of miracles, while a prominent gift in the early church (1 Cor 12:28) and frequently found in the New Testament, does not seem to exist today in the same way it did in Bible times. T’hroughout the earthly ministry of Christ, hundreds of miracles were performed in attestation of His divine power and messianic office. After the ascension of ...

    Probably the most controversial of the gifts of the Spirit is the gift of tongues. On the day of Pentecost Jews who had come to Jerusalem for the feast were amazed to hear the apostles speak in their languages, and they asked the question, “And how is it that we each hear them in our own language to which we were born? Parthians and Medes and Elami...

    If the gift of tongues is suspect today, it also follows that the gift of interpreting tongues today is suspect. The nature of the gift of interpreting tongues makes it difficult to confirm. But if a bona fide case could be found of one who, without knowledge of a foreign language, could interpret such a foreign language while exercising the gift o...

    The gift of discerning spirits, while not related to speaking in tongues, is another gift that seems to have been temporary in the church. This was the gift of discerning whether a person supposedly speaking by the Spirit was speaking of God or of Satan. Probably Christians today who are spiritually minded can discern whether one is Spirit-directed...

  2. May 20, 2024 · The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are unique skills given by the Holy Spirit to faithful followers of Christ for advancing the mission of the Church. Discover the many divine gifts of the spirit and their uses for helping mankind as we explore the biblical references and meanings.

    • Wisdom. Wisdom is the first and highest gift of the Holy Spirit because it is the perfection of the theological virtue of faith. Through wisdom, we come to value properly those things which we believe through faith.
    • Understanding. Understanding is the second gift of the Holy Spirit, and people sometimes have a hard time understanding (no pun intended) how it differs from wisdom.
    • Counsel. Counsel, the third gift of the Holy Spirit, is the perfection of the cardinal virtue of prudence. Prudence can be practiced by anyone, but counsel is supernatural.
    • Fortitude. While counsel is the perfection of a cardinal virtue, fortitude is both a gift of the Holy Spirit and a cardinal virtue. Fortitude is ranked as the fourth gift of the Holy Spirit because it gives us the strength to follow through on the actions suggested by the gift of counsel.
    • Spiritual Gifts Come From God. The Spirit of God gives “special abilities” to us (1 Corinthians 12:1). Just like salvation and grace, we do not earn this gift.
    • Different Gifts, Same Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 makes it clear that the same Spirit operates differently in us all, just as we have different talents.
    • Spiritual Gifts are for Helping Others. The purpose of God giving us spiritual gifts is clear: “A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other” (1 Corinthians 12:7).
    • A Closer Look at Each Gift. There are many ways to categorize the 9 gifts described in 1 Corinthians 12, but we will divide them up for the sake of understanding like this
  3. Apr 29, 2024 · Spiritual gifts are given to build up the church, share His message, and glorify God. Paul shares in Scripture that there are a variety of gifts. These special gifts are given through the Holy Spirit.

  4. Jan 1, 2021 · God-given” reminds us that Christ and the Spirit are the givers of gifts, and “for service” reminds us that they are for serving the body of Christ. The New Testament provides a rich array of terms and passages to designate the variety of ways God’s grace has been evidenced among his people. [1]

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