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  1. Country Living Food Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Red Cherry Pie
    My recipe published by Southern Living. I found it about 30 years ago in a LHJ flyer on award winning recipes from country fairs. It's my favorite cherry pie recipe,and cherry pie's my favorite pie.
    Angel Biscuits
    I remember exactly when I first encountered these celestial biscuits. It was in the early 1970s as I prowled the South in search of great grassroots cooks to feature in a new series I was writing for _Family Circle_ magazine. Through country home demonstration agents, I obtained the names of local women who'd won prizes at the county and state fairs. I then interviewed two or three of them in each area before choosing my subject. And all, it seemed, couldn't stop talking about "this fantastic new biscuit recipe" that was all the rage—something called Angel Biscuits. The local cookbooks I perused also featured Angel Biscuits, often two or three versions of them in a single volume. Later, when I began researching my _American Century Cookbook_, I vowed to learn the origin of these feathery biscuits. My friend Jeanne Voltz, for years the _Women's Day_ food editor, thought that Angel Biscuits descended from an old Alabama recipe called Riz Biscuits, which she remembered from her childhood. Helen Moore, a freelance food columnist living near Charlotte, North Carolina, told me that a home economics professor of hers at Winthrop College in South Carolina had given her the Angel Biscuits recipe back in the 1950s. "I remember her saying, 'I've got a wonderful new biscuit recipe. It's got yeast in it.'" Others I've queried insist that Angel Biscuits were created at one of the fine southern flour millers; some say at White Lily, others at Martha White (and both are old Nashville companies). In addition to the soft flour used to make them, Angel Biscuits owe their airiness to three leavenings: yeast, baking powder, and baking soda. Small wonder they're also called "bride's biscuits." They are virtually foolproof.
    Akrotiri: Cypriot Pork Souvlaki With Tzatziki
    This recipe is from week three of my food blog, "Travel by Stove." I'm attempting to cook one meal from every country on Earth, and Akrotiri is my third stop. Akrotiri was a tough one because it is basically an RAF base on the island of Cyprus, so the food is heavily influenced by the British people who live and work there. Pork souvlaki is a kind of Cypriot fast food, cooked on skewers and served in a hot pita. It is topped with a blend of cucumber and Greek yogurt called tzatziki.
    Cape Biryani/Breyani
    As a traditional Cape Malay recipe, there are dozens of variations, and even the name can be spelled in various ways: biryani, biriani, breyani, etc. It's a lightly spiced rice-based dish. It is NOT quick to make: compare it to paella. Make this dish in winter when you feel like creating something warm and comforting with accents from another country. This recipe is so traditional. It comes from our monthly food magazine ("Fresh Living", June 2010), published by one of our largest chain stores, Pick 'n Pay. I also wish to save it here on Zaar. The recipe is not easily found in our general cookbooks. Keep in mind that it is really economical and filling. You need only this dish on the table, maybe with a little container of chutney on the side. You might want to start with marinating the chicken overnight, i.e. the day before. I adjusted a few directions which I thought was a bit off. Prep time does not include marinating time.
    Sunny's Texas Two-Step Turkey
    Food Network
    As a military brat and USAF veteran, I’ve lived in many states and countries, and Texas is one of my favorite states. One thing we all hear about is true; everything is BIGGER in Texas. That concept is everywhere from the belt buckles to the 10-gallon cowboy hats, but the real win is when “BIG” trickles down to food and flavors. Yellow mustard is a staple in the state, and this turkey recipe delivers on all things expected from the flavors of Texas for Thanksgiving. In just two steps, your bird will dance with bright flavors to balance the heavy flavors of the season.
    Spicy Hot and Sour Soup With Pork
    Hot and Sour soup is one of my favorite foods. I grew up in the NYC metro area so it was always easy to get delicious soup anytime. Unfortunately I'm currently living in a part of the country where that is not the case! I'm taking it on myself to come up with recipes that are satisfying when I'm homesick. This is a combination of several recipes I tried, but mainly Tyler Florence's. The pork is easier to cut if you put it in the freezer for ten minutes first.
    Stuffed Mushrooms: Memorable Recipes Remind for students living abroad.
    A recipe especially stuffed mushrooms remind me of when I was an International student: living abroad. As a student, I couldn't spend enough time cooking. I was study culinary arts in Canada and experienced many different cultures. Especially, I can easily learn a diversity of food-culture: there were many international students in Canada from many countries. Also, there was many casual home party, potluck party which had a chance to prepare my food. I always thought of an efficient way to prepare my food however, as a culinary student I also wanted to concern about taste and quality. The stuffed mushrooms recipe was totally quick, simple, and flavourful with a few ingredients; it makes the perfect appetizers for the holiday season. They are easy to prepare and bake; juicy and meaty on the outside with full of flavor. In addition, you can put anything that you have in the fridge. It serves up stories of my life of studying abroad with my international friends. Enjoy the holiday season with your friends and family!!
    The South Pole's Favorite Beef Wellington
    This recipe is from week 10 of my food blog, "Travel by Stove." I am attempting to cook one meal from every nation on Earth, and Antarctica is my 10th stop (yes I know Antarctica is technically not a country, but I do love a challenge). This beef Wellington in served every Christmas at McMurdo Station, Antarctica's largest community. It is usually accompanied by lobster tail and at least two different kinds of mashed potato. Recipe courtesy South Pole Chef James Brown and Former South Pole Chef "Cookie" Jon Emanuel.
    Date and Pistachio Baked Pudding (gluten free)
    At a recent benefit (Bubble Foundation, NYC) that I assisted in the preparation of foods, a gluten free cookie was served. I started thinking about adapting some of my baked goods to be gluten free also. This one fell right into place as it was practically gluten free to begin with. My great grandmother appears to have had a love affair with dates and nuts. Some of her other recipes were date nut bread, date nut bars, and a cake. Judging from a bit of research, cooking with dates and nuts was not uncommon during the Depression era. This date and nut baked pudding is a great example of a pudding that did not have to be watched on the stove, freeing the cook to do other things while it baked. Dates added sweetness when sugar was at a premium price and nuts were often free for the picking (from the ground when they fell) in many parts of the country. There is only a smidgen of flour and butter here. Eggs and milk were most likely provided by a local farmer (in Ohio where my great grandmother lived). She was the wife of a dentist and I know from my grandmother that they were often paid in goods and services in lieu of cash during those lean times. I took the liberty of gussying up my great grandmother's recipe by adding some chocolate and espresso to this already tasty recipe. It is also a one bowl affair which is always a plus.