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  1. What does Numbers 19:2 mean? Read commentary on this popular Bible verse and understand the real meaning behind God's Word using John Gill's Exposition of the Bible.

  2. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. (6) And the priest shall take cedar wood, and hyssop, and scarlet.—. According to the Targum of Jonathan, another priest was to do this, but the reference seems to be to Eleazar. Cedar-wood may be regarded as the emblem of fragrance and incorruption; hyssop as the emblem of purification; and scarlet ...

  3. It would take all the hands in America to unpack every reference and Easter egg in Jordan Peele's meta-horror opus Us, but one, in particular, begs for an explanation: the Bible verse that...

    • What The "Power of The Dog" Title Really Means
    • What Power of The Dog's Bible Verse Means For Peter
    • Who Is The "Darling" in Power of The Dog's Ending?
    • Why Jane Campion’s 2021 Movie Is called The Power of The Dog

    Phil's Power Is More Psychological Than Physical

    While the verse seen in the film may seem straightforward, the “power” referenced in Psalms 22:20 remains largely mysterious. It is understood that the dog from the text is Benedict Cumberbatch’s character in The Power of the Dog, but his power remains elusive and subject to viewer interpretation. George walks on eggshells around him, unable to reveal his true feelings or thoughts for fear of ridicule; Rose falters, descending into a bleak alcoholism, and gentle, artistic Peter becomes a murd...

    Peter Might Be A Christ-Like Figure in The Story

    Interestingly, the verse behind The Power of the Dog mirrors Jesus' prayer from his crucifixion. Psalms 22 begins with the verse, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” — Jesus’ famous words on the cross. In verse 16 he says, “For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.” This leads to the idea that Peter, who is somewhat based on the man behind The Power of the Dog's true story (Thomas Savage), could be being portrayedas a...

    Is It Rose, Peter, Or Maybe Even Phil?

    If Phil is the “dog” from the Bible’s verse, who is the verse’s “darling?” Peter’s mother, Rose, one of the best roles of Kirsten Dunst’s movie career, is the most obvious answer, as Peter is the one in possession of the Bible when the verse is shown, and he says at the beginning of The Power of the Dog that he seeks to save her. This idea is fortified by the end scene in which Peter stares down upon Rose and George from his room after reading the verse and watches as his mother and George em...

    The Movie Is The Story Of The Darling, The Dog, & The Speaker

    The most straightforward explanation for the mystery behind The Power of the Dog's title is that the Bible verse in question describes the film's three main characters: Phil, Rose, and Peter, who are the dog, the darling, and the speaker, respectively. At the same time, any of the three could be the darling, and the dog could even be BH, a.k.a. Bronco Henry, Phil'smentor and lover. Ultimately, what makes The Power of the Dog compelling is how it avoids overstating its point, relying instead o...

  4. Oct 4, 2010 · This wasn’t God’s first role in the movie. Otto Thorwarth, who plays Secretariat’s jockey, Ronnie Turcotte, had a divine inspiration of his own before he was cast for the part.

  5. Simply that death is the result and positive proof of sin (Genesis 2:15-17, Romans 5:12). Death is like sin made visible. i. If someone touched the carcass of a dead animal, he was unclean for less than one day (Leviticus 11:24, 27, 39).

  6. Throughout the Bible, various words and actions hold deep symbolic meaning. One such word is “cast,” which appears numerous times in scripture, carrying profound spiritual significance. In this enlightening article, we will explore the biblical meaning of “cast” and uncover its hidden messages.

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