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  1. In political philosophy, the phrase consent of the governed refers to the idea that a government's legitimacy and moral right to use state power is justified and lawful only when consented to by the people or society over which that political power is exercised.

  2. Consent of the governed is a political idea that states that the only legitimate government is one in which the power is derived from its citizens. Simply put, consent of the governed means that a government exists only because the people freely allow it to and have given their consent.

  3. Consent of the Governed. Americans sought to establish that they were "true-born" Englishmennot merely colonialswith all the rights of Englishmen.

  4. Definition. Consent of the governed is a foundational principle in political philosophy asserting that a government's legitimacy and authority depend on the approval and agreement of the people it governs.

  5. Aug 8, 2024 · What defines “consent of the governed”? Is it the consent of all or of most? Or is it determined by a majority? How is consent obtained? Is it through mass action, representative deliberation or plebiscite? As can be seen in Democracy Web’s Country Studies, there are no set answers and many ways consent of the governed has been instituted.

  6. “Consent of the governed” refers to the idea that a government’s legitimacy and moral right to use state power is justified and lawful only when consented, or agreed to, by the people over which that political power is exercised.

  7. The consent of the governed is the idea that a government's legitimacy and political authority is derived from the people's consent and willingness to be governed. It is a fundamental principle of political philosophy that emphasizes the importance of popular sovereignty and the right of the people to choose their own form of government.

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