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  1. Mar 5, 2024 · Domestic tranquility is a concept that has been valued throughout history as essential for the stability and prosperity of a society. In this essay, we will explore the importance of domestic tranquility, its history and debates, and how this concept has evolved to reach a resolution. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on.

  2. Apr 10, 2024 · Dictionary of Literary Biography This link opens in a new window Biographical and critical essays on the lives, works, and careers of the world's most influential literary figures from all eras and genres.

    • Karen Greever
    • 2018
  3. Dec 2, 2014 · In both cases the poet is fed with feelings and figures like ‘songs of pleasant glee’, ‘fearful symmetry’ and ‘mind-forg’d manacles’ can easily show how strong the feeling is. The ‘Introduction’ can be a creation of tranquil mind but in ‘Tyger’ and ‘London’ there is no tranquility but anger.

    • General Scoring Note
    • Scoring Criteria: Content
    • NR (No Response)—Page is blank.
    • Scoring Criteria: Language
    • NR (No Response)—Page is blank.
    • Question 4 Text Comparison
    • Content Score: 5
    • Language Score: 5
    • Content Score: 3
    • Language Score: 3
    • Content Score: 1
    • Language Score: 1

    When applying the scoring guidelines, the response does not need to meet every single criterion in a column. You should award the score according to the preponderance of evidence.

    The essay is inaccurate and insufficient; there is no attempt to analyze the literary devices or compare the texts; irrelevant comments predominate. May identify some rhetorical, stylistic, or structural features in one or both texts but does not explain their relevance to the theme. Demonstrates lack of understanding of the theme. Does not state a...

    An essay that receives a NR in content must also receive a NR in language.

    Language usage is inappropriate to the task, inaccurate, or insufficient; the student’s use of language impedes the reader’s understanding of the response. Vocabulary is insufficient or inappropriate to the text(s) being discussed; errors render comprehension difficult. Control of grammatical and syntactic structures is inadequate; errors in verb f...

    An essay that receives a NR in content must also receive a NR in language. Question 4 requires that the response accomplishes several tasks: compare explicitly how the theme of la tradición y la ruptura is developed in a fragment from “Dos palabras” by Isabel Allende, which is on the required course reading list, and a fragment from Tristana by Ben...

    Note: Student samples are quoted verbatim and may contain grammatical errors.

    The essay effectively analyzes the literary devices and compares the theme of tradition and rupture ( la tradición y la ruptura) in the texts (“Este tema se presenta con el uso de recursos literarios como el diálogo, las imágenes, el ambiente y oraciones cortas”). It offers clear and cogent analysis of rhetorical, stylistic, and structural features...

    The essay demonstrates language usage that is appropriate to the task, mostly accurate, and varied; the use of language is clear and supports the reader’s understanding of the response (“Este tema se presenta”; “En vez de estar en la pobreza”; “Esto se conecta”). The vocabulary is varied and appropriate to the texts being discussed (“resalta el cam...

    The essay attempts to analyze the literary devices and compare the theme in the texts; however, description and narration outweigh analysis (“Ultimamente pienso que el tema de la tradición y la ruptura fue capaz der ser utilizado por Isabel Allende y Benito Pérez Galdós”). It describes some rhetorical, stylistic, or structural features in both text...

    Language usage in this essay is appropriate to the task and sometimes accurate (“que representa su libertad”; “fue capaz de ser utilizado por”); although the use of language is somewhat limited, it supports the reader’s understanding of the response (“Tristana fue acostumbrada ser cosas que todas las mujeres hacen”). Vocabulary is appropriate to th...

    The essay is inaccurate and insufficient; there is no attempt to analyze the literary devices or compare the texts (“‘Dos Palabras’ de Isabel Allende uso sinestesia y la naturaleza para desarrollar el tema de la tradición y la ruptura”). It identifies some literary devices in both texts but fails to explain their relevance to the theme (“Allende us...

    Language usage in this essay is inappropriate to the task and insufficient, notwithstanding a lack of errors in grammatical or syntactic structures. Vocabulary is insufficient and inappropriate to the texts being discussed (“sinestesia”; “asindeton”). Writing conventions, including spelling and use of accents, are inaccurate (“uso”; “desarollar”; “...

  4. In this book, I have wanted to stress Spanish literature's multilingualism and, for much of its history, cultural diversity and cosmopolitanism: the focus of my first chapter. Many literary histories have until recently given short shrift to women writers, for reasons that need no explaining.

  5. The chapter argues that discourses of domesticity were connected to modernizing ideals, resistance to social change, and conflicts over gender and family roles, and these meanings often existed simultaneously and even within the same text or cultural product.

  6. Mar 28, 2008 · Summary. Of all the literary forms, the essay is the least defined and can include texts as diverse as letters, biographies, speeches, newspaper articles, political decrees, and philosophical treatises. While this chapter does not pretend to define the essay as a literary form, the texts discussed do reflect the many forms essays assume.