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  1. What does Genesis 13:10 mean? Read commentary on this popular Bible verse and understand the real meaning behind God's Word using John Gill's Exposition of the Bible.

  2. What does Genesis chapter 13 mean? In chapter 12, Abram—the man later named renamed Abraham—lied about Sarai being his wife, out of fear. As a result, God afflicted Pharaoh's household with a plague for taking Sarai.

  3. 1. (Genesis 13:14-15) God promises the land to Abram and to his descendants forever. And the LORD said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are—northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever.” a.

    • A Faithful Believer Receives God’s Blessings. Gen. 13:1-2.
    • A Faithful Believer Gives Thanks For God’s Mercy and Grace. Gen. 13:3-4.
    • A Faithful Believer Seeks Peace Over Worldly possessions. Gen. 13:5-9.
    • A Faithful Believer Receives The Blessings Offered to Abraham. Gen. 13:16.
    • A Faithful Believer Walks in Fellowship with God and His Gifts. Gen. 13:17-18.
    God’s blessing of riches to Abraham. In addition to saving Abraham from his own lies about his wife and Pharaoh’s retribution, God blessed Abraham with undeserved riches: “1 So Abram went up from E...
    God can sometimes bless believers with wealth. Wealth is not by itself a sin. It is only a sin when the love of money leads to coveting (1 Tim. 6:10). Solomon only asked God for wisdom. Because he...
    God will always provide for you. If you seek first God’s kingdom (which includes tithing and giving to the poor), He promises to provide for you (Matt. 6:33). He will also give back more than what...
    God can also provide spiritual blessings. If you are not wealthy, you should not feel that you have missed out on His blessings. Money cannot buy happiness. When you believe in faith in Jesus, you...
    Abraham’s altars and prayers of gratitude. Abraham’s growing faith caused him to see God’s grace in his undeserved blessings. Thus, he built an altar of sacrifice and gave thanks for his deliveranc...
    Abraham’s altar of repentance. Abraham’s altar was not just an altar of gratitude for his deliverance, it was also an altar of repentance. The drought he experienced was a test that he failed. God...
    Abraham was righteous because of his faith, not his works. God recorded both Abraham’s sins and his repentance to show what made him righteous before God. It was his faith and not his works: “What...
    Make your life a living thank-offering and call upon the Lord’s holy name in prayer. God later told the Jews after He delivered them to worship Him: “And He said, ‘Certainly I will be with you, and...

    Abraham’s gift of God’s lands and blessings to Lot. As a friend of Abraham, God was faithful to also bless Lot: “And I will bless those who bless you . ..” (Gen. 12:3). Yet, Lot was not on a walk w...

    God’s promise to extend Abraham's blessing to countless future descendants. For the second time, God offered to extend Abraham’s blessing to include countless future descendants: “16 I will make yo...
    Christ’s offer to make the Abrahamic covenant available to you as well. Jesus later fulfilled God’s promise to extend these blessings to believers throughout the world: “And if you belong to Christ...
    Abraham’s walk with God throughout the Promised Land. After receiving God’s blessing, Abraham walked with Yahweh throughout the Promised Land and built a third altar to symbolize his fellowship wit...
    Walk in fellowship with God using His Spiritual gifts for His Kingdom. Like Abraham, you are also called to walk in fellowship with God. This includes using His Spiritual gifts for His Kingdom. The...
  4. (2.) Of a condescending spirit; he was willing to beseech even his inferior to be at peace, and made the first overture of reconciliation. Conquerors reckon it their glory to give peace by power; and it is no less so to give peace by the meekness of wisdom.

  5. What does Genesis 13:17 mean? In the previous verses, the Lord reaffirmed and expanded on his promises to Abram. Abram and his descendants would possess all the land he could see forever, and those descendants would be so numerous as to be uncountable.

  6. 13 But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly. 14 And the Lord said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward:

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