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  1. Jan 1, 2021 · In this essay I briefly introduce the idea of the rule of law and then assess the arguments about its links with the imperialistic project from two angles: firstly relating the rule of law to the international history of imperialism and colonialism and secondly examining the more recent suggestion that the “support” for the strengthening of ...

  2. Mar 28, 2018 · According to Medema only the “new” law and economics has features of scientific (economics) imperialism (compare also Epstein 1997 on periodization of law and economics and Harnay and Marciano (2009) on the difference between law and economics and economic analysis on law).

  3. Feb 14, 2022 · It begins by defining the concept of economic imperialism, and proceeds to describe five modes of economic imperialism, namely, colonialism, internal colonialism, settler colonialism, investment imperialism, and unequal exchange, each predicated upon and reinforcing national oppression.

  4. Imperialism and law. Imperialism is, at its heart, an exploitative relationship in which the interests of a dominant state or states are furthered at the expense of a subordinated state or states. Conventionally, imperialism has been understood as the kind of control and power exemplified by, for example, the consolidations of 19* century ...

  5. May 1, 2024 · This is why, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Britain and other colonial empires had higher levels of military expenditure than their less imperialist neighbours and, consequently, a substantially higher tax burden. The economic benefits of empires are often overstated.

  6. The imperial legal system constructed its imperium to describe the reach and character of its authority afar as pursued and enforced by its officials, legal functionaries, tribunes, and armies.

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  8. Sep 16, 2019 · Imperialism in the context of capitalism has been explained either in terms of the suspension of the laws of capitalist competition, or by focusing on the relationship of capitalism with pre-capitalist regions. This paper puts forward a theory of imperialism that is specific and internal to capitalism. The argument put forward in this paper is ...