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  1. Sep 8, 2013 · This document discusses inherited traits and behaviors in living things. It notes that traits are physical characteristics while behaviors are how something acts in response to its environment. Traits can be inherited from parents, with organisms getting half their traits from each parent.

  2. Feb 10, 2014 · This document discusses inherited traits and how they are passed down from parents to offspring. Some key points: - Heredity is the passing of traits from parent to offspring through DNA. Traits like eye color, hair color, and skin color are examples of inherited traits in humans and animals.

  3. May 14, 2014 · Inherited traits are received from biological parents through genes and include eye color, hair color, and blood type. Acquired traits develop during life through learning and experience, like skills learned or injuries received, and are not passed to offspring.

  4. 1 Introduction to Genetics Unit 5 - Mendelian Genetics 2 E SSENTIAL Q UESTIONS How does genotype affect phenotype? What are the laws of genetics? L EARNING T ARGET Target We will learn how...

  5. Jan 3, 2020 · Standard Biology Chapter 26 Inheritance of Traits Section 1 Genetics, How and Why. Genetics • Genetics: the study of how traits are passed from parent to offspring • Mystery for a long time • Now know traits are passed in sex cells.

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  6. The Inheritance of Traits The human life cycle: Adults produce gametes in their gonads by meiosis. Sperm cells fertilize egg cells to form single-celled zygotes. Repeated cell divisions form the embryo.

  7. Inherited traits are things that are passed on that are specific traits. A tiger has stripes. A giraffe has a long neck. An elephant has a trunk. A snake has no legs. A plant...

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