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  1. Mar 11, 2011 · Only an obsessive typography freak could tell whether you used a minus sign or an N-dash. Here’s how: The minus sign is slightly thinner and has a sliver of space between itself and the adjacent characters. Please note: These characters are rendered very differently on different devices.

  2. People also ask

    • The Minus Sign
    • The Hyphen
    • The en-dash
    • The em-dash

    The eas­i­est one to deal with is the minus sign. As the name sug­gests, it is only used to mean the dif­fer­ence of two math­e­mat­i­cal ob­jects, usu­ally num­bers, e.g. a − b, or as the unary minus sign, e.g. −5. In prac­tice, most com­puter users type the hy­phen-minus in place of the minus sign, com­pare −5 (minus sign) and -5 (hy­phen-minus)....

    The hy­phen should be used every time a block of text is jus­ti­fied (i.e. when all lines are of the same width). Hy­phens can be in­serted in cer­tain places to split a word be­tween two lines; see an ex­am­ple on the right. You should never in­sert a hy­phen man­u­ally to break a word; all mod­ern word proces­sors in­clude an Eng­lish dic­tio­nar...

    The en-dash serves many a pur­pose in Eng­lish ty­pog­ra­phy. It is most com­monly used to de­note a range of val­ues, e.g. 1. September–October 2. 2:00–3:00 pm 3. Pages 113–117 It is gen­er­ally rec­om­mended to use the word “to” in­stead the dash, should the lat­ter lead to pos­si­ble con­fu­sion or if it were in any way ty­po­graph­i­cally in­ap...

    The em-dash (“—”) is the longest dash in com­mon use. It comes most com­monly in pairs and has a func­tion sim­i­lar to paren­the­ses (i.e. to break the flow of thoughts). Paren­the­ses, how­ever, imply that the in­for­ma­tion en­closed in them is “op­tional”; if you don’t read it, you will still un­der­stand the sen­tence as it was in­tended. Dash...

  3. Mar 31, 2022 · Punctuation is the act or system of using specific marks or symbols in writing to separate different elements from each other or to make writing more clear. Punctuation is used in English and the other languages that use the Latin alphabet. Many other writing systems also use punctuation, too.

    • Use of hyphen (-), en-dash (–), and em-dash (—) Authors often get confused between the hyphen, en-dash, and em-dash and often use these interchangeably.
    • Spacing between numbers and symbols. Non-alphabetical symbols or units that accompany numbers are always closed up with the numerals. Thus, the percentage (%), degree (°), and prime (′) signs are generally are set up close to the numerals they follow.
    • When to spell out symbols or units? When a sentence begins with a range of numbers, the first number is spelled out unless the sentence is recast in an alternative form.
    • Use of the center dot to indicate a product of units (Code: 2027) In compound units derived from the basic SI units, the product should be represented using the center dot (‧)—also called the raised period or half-high dot—and not the multiplication symbol (×), series dot/period (.)
  4. Typographical symbols and punctuation marks are marks and symbols used in typography with a variety of purposes such as to help with legibility and accessibility, or to identify special cases. This list gives those most commonly encountered with Latin script.

  5. Typing Signs and Writing Symbols, e.g. * # & % $. In addition to punctuation marks —which we use to separate written sentences and parts of sentences, and to make their meaning clear—English also uses a number of symbols and signs that act as abbreviations or have their own meaning.

  6. Apr 20, 2019 · Horizontal lines as punctuation marks help connect, separate, or clarify ideas. In English, we have the em dash (—), the en dash (–), and the hyphen (‐). Another horizontal line is the minus sign (−), used in mathematical operations.

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