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  1. What the Different Types of Oppression? According to Iris Marion Young, there are five “faces” or types of oppression: violence, exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, and cultural imperialism. Exploitation is the act of using people’s labors to produce profit while not compensating them fairly.

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  2. Oppression and injustice are human creations and phenomena, built into our current economic system, and therefore can be undone. Oppression (e.g. racism, colonialism, class oppression, patriarchy, and homophobia) is more than just the sum of individual prejudices.

  3. Sep 18, 2016 · The reality of oppression may be understood from various levels of analysis, from the macrolevel of global economic and political structures to the microlevel of internalized psychological images of inferiority. A comprehensive analysis of oppression will emerge only from an interdisciplinary approach that integrates the

  4. My first objective in this paper is to synthesize, synoptically, the literature on oppression and liberation with the contributions to this special issue. To fulfil this aim I introduce a frame-work for understanding, resisting, and overcoming oppression.

  5. Kanafani makes a distinction between two kinds of literary production: literature writtenunder occupation” (tahat al-ihtilāl) and that written “in exile” (manfa). This distinction is of particular importance for studying “resistance literature” as it is premised upon few critical presuppositions.

  6. Oppression and repression are two distinct but interconnected concepts that relate to the exercise of power and control over individuals or groups. Oppression refers to the systematic and unjust exercise of authority, often involving the denial of basic rights, discrimination, and marginalization.

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  8. Jul 25, 2007 · Repression is associated in the literature with terms such as non-expression, emotional control, rationality, anti-emotionality, defensiveness and restraint. Whether these terms are synonymous with repression, indicate a variation, or are essentially different from repression is uncertain.

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