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    Duck à l'Orange
    Food and Wine
    Andrew Zimmern’s Kitchen AdventuresWhen I was growing up in NYC in the ’60s, my dad would take me out every week for roast duck at any of the half dozen amazing Czech and other Eastern European restaurants that helped define the Yorkville neighborhood of Manhattan for generations. Those days are gone: The German, Czech and Polish restaurants that served some of the best traditional comfort food in the city are no more. It took me years and many trips overseas to figure out how to replicate the spiced orange duck that was so popular when I was a kid. It was fancy food back then, for sure. This recipe is easier than it looks, and the results are stellar every time. It’s foolproof. —Andrew Zimmern Slideshow: Delicious Recipes for Duck 
    South American Butternut Squash Stew
    This iconic South American stew, called locro, is the perfect hearty winter meal when served with hot crusty bread. Roasted squash seeds add crunch.Locro (from the Quechua ruqru) is a hearty thick stew popular along the Andes mountain range. The dish is a common plate for the Peruvian cuisine, which at one point held the center of the Inca empire. It is also one of the most typical Argentine dishes prepared by the different native Indian tribes at a time of the Spanish conquest. Its origin dates to before the Spanish colonial times. Locro at the table, with quiquirimichi and bread.The defining ingredients are corn, some form of meat (usually beef, but sometimes beef jerky or chorizo), and vegetables. Other ingredients vary widely, and typically include onion, beans, squash or pumpkin. It is mainly eaten in winter and is therefore has a greater caloric value. In Argentina it spread from the Cuyo region to the rest of the country. It is considered a national dish and is often served on May 25, the anniversary of the May Revolution. Recipe CuisineAtHome Magazine, Issue 79, February 2010 edition. Locro being served at Simoca market, ArgentinaIn some parts, such as in the Santiago del Estero Province of Argentina, a red hot sauce made from red peppers and paprika known as quiquirimichi is served on the side.